
Posted Mar 19, 2023, 1:32:54 AM UTC

And Shingen's card is...queen of clubs. If you're wondering how I picked that, he had a girls' night out drinking party with Kiri and Apirka, but I don't normally cross dress him, so he's wearing Japanese empress robes instead.


I think Kiri is having too much fun with this.

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  • Mar 19, 2023, 11:10:01 PM UTC
    And Kiri is helping him get pretty. This was such a genuinely sweet and welcome surprise to me. Thank you for using Kiri! I love Shingen’s facepalming expression and Kiri trying to get tall enough to reach his hair to braid it. Adorable all around - the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
    • Mar 20, 2023, 12:57:52 AM UTC | Total Edits: 2 | Last edited on Mar 20, 2023 by SchwarzerAlptraum
      That's what you get for going to a girls' night out.

      I was considering also putting Apirka in there too, but there just wasn't enough space, and I didn't know what the third character would be doing there. Oh well, she'll show up in another picture.





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