There Is No Punch Line

Posted Dec 15, 2023, 11:13:13 PM UTC

#94 - Drunk

What kind of drunk is your character? Sad drunk, flirty drunk, sleepy drunk? Draw or write about your character in a state of inebriation, however that state occurred.


A pranky vampire strikes again, this time armed with a bottle of Expired Grape Juice.

Neither of the two sperikii are aware that the refreshments have been meddled with. But only a couple hours later, it's apparent, the punch is more than just... punch.

Strong coffee has the same intoxicating effect on Paiko as alcoholic drinks might - you can tell because he gets giggly, sliding off his chair, grasping for the sparkles that float by in his vision. Looks like he has a support Ducky there he can hug though.

Skye may not understand Paiko's silly rambles, but the drakon is leaving a lot of crumbs about to pick up, and that's certainly worth sticking around for.

Scap, on the other hand, has a very effective detox system. A good thing for him; he prefers to have his wits about him at all times, especially at an event with so many different characters of so many different motivations.

Unfortunately, bypassing the state of inebriation means he'll skip straight to the miserable hangover afterwards. So while you might not be able to catch a tipsy Scap, you might find a cranky one in the corner fighting off a massive headache. (And possibly plotting retribution for whoever spiked the punch.)


Aras and Skye belong to SchwarzerAlptraum! 

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Aras PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd2
648 total points
6 approved points
Scapindex PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1073
283 total points
5 approved points



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