Memories of Arrival

Posted Dec 19, 2023, 1:09:21 AM UTC

63 Favorite Item

Captain's Log: day ... how many days has it been? I tried to keep track, but after the trek, the days all started to blur together. Is that what life is supposed to be? A big, uncountable lump of time that no one can make sense of? I saw a dragon for the first time today. A real one, not one of those weird lizard things, but an *actual* dragon. I can't believe I ever managed to convince someone I took a blow from *that* and lived, even with Bosco messing with my translations. There is magic in this world though, so I'd bet that had something to do with it. I still need to figure that stuff out for myself. If I can use magic, that would be a big upgrade from running around until someone can deal with a threat. I better sign off now, I still have some work to do for tomorrow. Not sure when I'll update next. Slipknot, signing off.

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