Comment 2161

Comment ID 2161

[Art] Trent & Celeste
May 24, 2005, 6:35:08 PM UTC on [Art] Trent & Celeste
I'm totally loving that staff. Your son and niece are cute Big Smile I think you could really add some depth to this if you lighten up the mountains and trees in the background to give it an atmospheric perspective feel. It looks like you've already intended to do it but it could be just a bit lighter. That's something you could probably do really quick in photoshop.
By the way, nice icon


  • May 25, 2005, 1:25:48 AM UTC
    Thanks, i'll think about your advice about the mountains as I tend to shy away from doing anything to my drawings with a PC. It's one of those quirks I have which has plagued me for years.
    • May 25, 2005, 6:05:10 PM UTC
      Well, PhotoShop and those other programs are all just artist tools. Don't think of them as cheap. It's just another advancement in technology just as oil painting is an advancement in media technology from the frescos that Michelangelo did.
      • May 26, 2005, 3:26:08 AM UTC
        Oh I don't think them as cheap at all and I admire the work produced with them. It's just that well....I guess i'm turning into one of those old geezers and i'm too darn stubborn for my own good.