Comment 22548

Comment ID 22548

[Art] Calendar Gurlz - August
Jan 12, 2006, 10:24:15 AM UTC on [Art] Calendar Gurlz - August
Yaya this is my month!! You did a great job on this hun!! It looks wonderful. For future refrence, the folds seem just dont seem to fit with how gravity would pull down the dress. Other than that, great job!!


  • Jan 13, 2006, 5:37:40 PM UTC
    Doh! >_< I know the folds in the dress suck, don't they? I always have a problem with drawing clothes. Really really. I always struggle through it. If you have any helpful hints on this, please please PLEASE help me! I totally suck at that! I am glad that you like it despite that though. I like how the sand turned out. That's always a plus, right? All my love to you hun. Mwah! *huggles*
    • Jan 15, 2006, 9:46:40 AM UTC
      Haha My dear they do not "suck". Nothing artistic wise "sucks", except for very few exceptions every now and then. (Im not talking about you personally, I am talking about anyone and everyone who draws. Because if there is anything I could say about your art, its that none of it at all "sucks".)

      What I try and do, is just picture a real person in that same pose, and imagining how and where the light hits it. Then I imagine how gravity would pull down the dress towards the ground, thinking of the crevices and the small wrinkles. Then I go back to the light and shade in the areas that would be considered to be moe hidden from that light.

      Thats pretty much how I do all of my folds and whatnot.