Comment 31633

Comment ID 31633

[Art] False Hope
May 15, 2006, 5:37:52 PM UTC on [Art] False Hope
This is even more beautiful than the last. How do you come up with this stuff? It's mind blowing. Please, keep it coming!


  • May 15, 2006, 7:38:44 PM UTC
    I'm not sure, I made up a story for this one while I painted, and then.. I started listening to "some where over the raindow (sung by judy garland.. I think I spelled her name wrong, but she is dorthy in The Wizard of Oz)" And it felt like there was no such place, just a dream, false hope. Somewhere over the rainbow, theres nothing.

    Besides that I like little islands XD
    • May 16, 2006, 3:29:43 PM UTC
      You spelled her name correctly and that is a pretty interesting place to get an idea. I mean, the words were really wonderful but the tune it's set to can get annoying REALLY fast. You're right though, the little stone island looks great!