Comment 36110

Comment ID 36110

[Art] Fai x Kuro-Pi
Jul 5, 2006, 3:43:31 PM UTC on [Art] Fai x Kuro-Pi
Definately never heard of the manga but this is realli awesome.
Great job on... everything I suppose.
And you don't need to set it to candy coated critiques. No one can say bad when your doing this good. Yes


  • Jul 5, 2006, 11:11:39 PM UTC
    I recommend both the manga and the anime! They're a lot of fun. Smile

    I'm really glad you like it~!

    And... I do, in some ways. ^_^; If they're pics I really like (like this) I don't want to end up being put off it. :/ I'm such a wuss...