Comment 87349

Comment ID 87349

[Art] Green Lantern's Light
Jun 7, 2012, 9:07:51 AM UTC on [Art] Green Lantern's Light
Hi Arkillian. First of all, looking good. The shading on the face is great!

The background should be a complimentary color to the dominance of the green, say a deep orange or even a subtle reddish hue, but dissimilar to the color of the face. And yes, the glove needs more detail and should be less bright, as it's drawing the eye away from the focal point which is really the face.

I hope I've helped just a tad.

Keep well! - Andrew


  • Jun 7, 2012, 12:32:59 PM UTC
    Cheers! Most of my knowledge about drawing humans is in the face. I have troubles when I drop below the neck though T.T Bodies and clothes... urgh...

    I figured that the gloves needed something. I'll do them last though so I get an idea of what colour to make them Yes I considered a redish background, but I thought that it might detract from the green light theme. I might see if I can make some digital swatches. Plain or detailed?

    You've helped me alot ^^ Thank you for your thoughts! It's been a bit of a stumbling block what to do. I considered green, or Space, also putting his team in. None seemed to work. I'm still learning colour to make it worse so I'm not confident with them yet. I'll give it a go and see how it looks though :3 thank you!
    • Jun 8, 2012, 8:31:58 AM UTC
      I'm sure it'll turn out great. Already looking awesome. In respect to what colour to make the background and on the theme of complimentary colours, I remember when I was in school we had a colour wheel which supposedly showed you the perfect colour to complement any other colour. It was a useful tool. Can't wait to see the finished product. Have a fabulous weekend! - Andrew
      • Jun 8, 2012, 10:20:19 AM UTC
        Yeah- I sometimes invert in photoshop for that, but the colours never scan the same >.> I'm gonna give it till when I have daylight to do it. I might need some new reds for it. I don't have much in the burnt umber range. Mind you, mixing new colours is half the fun...