
Open group | 553 Members

Post 30684 - Event Redemption [CLOSED]

  1. Posted on Oct 11, 2020, 1:22:26 AM UTC
    ID: 30684

    Event Redemption Thread

    Welcome to the Event Redemption Thread!

    This thread covers past and present events. If you need to redeem points for items or handle any event related requests that don't go in our regular treasury queues, you've come to the right place.

    To make an event request, fill out the following form and post it as a reply to this thread...

    Link to Event Journal:

    Link to Proof of Items/Points:

    Request: (let us know what you need us to do!)




    You can view your Pumpkin Point count in the Event Inventory.

    To make a purchase with Pumpkin Points, fill out the following form and post it as a reply to this thread...





    To Transfer Pumpkin Points, fill out the following form and post it as a reply to this thread…


    How many Points: [# of points to transfer]

    Transfer To: [userID]





    You can view your Treat Bucket count in the Event Inventory.

    You can get these rolled now by going to the Mystery Boxes!

    To have a treat bucket rolled, fill out the following form and post it as a reply to this thread...


    Request: [Type + number of buckets to roll]

    Proof of Ownership: [Link to Comment or just say "in inventory"]


    Please remember to fill out the correct forms correctly, otherwise your requests may be delayed by admins needing to clarify with you!



    Administration Area


    Please link any requests that are pending review here.

    Pending Comments:



    After you have finished your run, please link the most recently finished request here so that the next admin can click straight to the end of the queue. Use the post # link.


    Top of Queue: https://www.paperdemon.com/app/forums/dracostryx-treasury/5453/event-redemption-open-/34#forum-post-43077

    Last edited by Kageh on Mar 12, 2023, 7:31:51 AM UTC. 48 total edits.