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Uploaded on Dec 2, 2023, 9:49:16 AM by Maethordir . Player adding portrait to draft.

Drannor Resphin #pd3634

72 / 100
Character data
Date addedDec 2, 2023, 9:49:03 AM
Date last editedMar 24, 2024, 7:31:16 AM
Owner Maethordir
Designer URL

Character Name: Drannor Resphin
Character Age: ?
Character Height: 185 cm
Character Species: Half elf (Dhampir)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Red
Skin color: Warm gray
Attitude: Rational, ambitious, confident, selfish, cunning
Voice: He speaks slowly, with an accent that resembles a Russian one
: Bisexual
Family: Is a distant relative of the Stillvale family and Ilthran's half brother
Weapon: Dual knifes/swords
Abilities: Shadow form, Shadow claws, Blood tracking, Rapid regeneration
Weaknesses: Light, Loud Sound, Blood (scent/sight), Water
Occupation: Scout, Mercenary, Cartographer
Class: Ranger/rogue

Full body Reference

Ability Scores:

14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 12 (+1) 10 (0) 12 (+1)



Drannor's element manifests into a fire-based shadow that is hot to the touch. His manipulated bloodline allows a stronger connection to the roots of his mana flow, and with that, a number of bonuses. The increased strength in mana allows him to dissolve his visible form into smaller atoms that distorts his image entirely from sight while still present. This can only be detected by experts of the arcane or those that use special artifacts for detection that are magical in nature. Those that are unaffected by illusional magic will see a distorted version of the man that is passing through.

Appearing and disappearing by the use of his ability will make its appearance through a black flame that resembles a frame, much like a canvas, that then slowly consumes more of his appearance until he is invisible.

Drannor can wear his black flames like armor that will be harmless to himself, but harmful to others. Typically he changes only his limbs into flames, elongating his fingers to resemble long, shadow-based claws that burn through all that they touch. Due to his control and love for nature, grass, trees, and other plant-based materials are unaffected by his flame.

The dhampir has quick reflexes granted by his adopted bloodline, however they significantly weaken once he is low on blood intake. Water disrupts his magical abilities entirely, including his shadow form, once an equal volume to a bucket of water is tossed in his direction.

His senses are strengthened. These include dark sight, scent and hearing, similarly to an animalistic predator. While these are a strength while hunting, they are a weakness in crowded spaces surrounding poor body hygiene and unclean environments. He is unaffected by holy water, but the fact that it is water is enough for him to be wary of it. Spells that affect the undead will also affect him.

In combat, Drannor tends to use his shadow form for surprise attacks. The shadow claws, that are more often swapped out by his dual blades, and quick reflexes to confuse and overwhelm his targets. His armor is light to ensure a greater performance of stealth. He tends to fight dirty unless he respects his enemy.


A young adult by elven standards. As a relative of the Resphin family, Drannor was was born a half blood, the result of the love between elf and human. As a young adult, he has lived a somewhat reckless and violent life, hunted down for his unique appearance that aligned with that of many dark elves. Shunned from many places of safety, Drannor was forced to survive in the wild more often than not. A cruel and restless lifestyle allowed him more confidence in his skill that is tested daily in a battle for survival.

One day, we met a man in the tavern after a long day of work, and he was offered a deal for immortality in exchange for his blood. Drannor who gave the consequences little thought agreed, and focused mostly on the ideals that came with it. Together, they went to an isolated space that allowed no interruption when his blood was drawn. However, this man had different plans, rather than to turn him into a man of equal power. Drannor was intended to become one of his many spawns, incapable of control over his own vessel. When the blood ritual came to an end, the first signs of transformations were taking place. And an immense headache battled his will, however, Drannor, a man who survived many battles, he had a strong will.

Given his bloodline, he was also given resistance to various of things that were part of the process for absolute control. With this, Drannor resisted the mind control spell that was forced by the ritual. Immortality was given, rapid recovery, but all came with a craving he has yet to discover.

The vampire fled, once he realized the failure of his project. Ever since, he's been sending spawns to rid Drannor of the surface.

  • 52
    Ability Points
  • 2
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability

NOTE: Only the first 100 items are loaded on this page.


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