PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Jan 26, 2024, 7:00:11 PM by jdbuenol . Player adding portrait to draft.

Olive Copperheart #pd3969

100 / 100
Character data
Date addedJan 26, 2024, 6:55:48 PM
Date last editedMay 31, 2024, 11:16:50 PM
Owner jdbuenol
Designer URL

Character Full Name: Olive Copperheart

Character Age: 19

Character Species: Human

Hair color: purple

Eye color: Green

Height: 1.59 meters (the robo-helpers are 0.53 meters tall aprox.)

Personality: Cheerful, never gives up, sometimes reckless, obsessed with machines and overly-complex mechanisms, secretly likes cute things.


Brief biography: (Required for written works. Artists may skip until rank 2): Olive Copperheart was the daughter of a family of self-taught artificers that lived in a peaceful little town, they taught her all about the secrets of metallurgy and automaton creation so she could defends herself in case they couldn’t longer be with her, when she was 10 she made her first “doll” automaton which was able to dance and move objects showing the rest of the town and her parents that she was very talented in the arts of automatons.

When she was 15 her parents joined an expedition into a mysterious dungeon that suddenly appeared near the town, no member of the expedition came back causing the town to prepare a rescue team with wandering adventurers.

She decided to enter the dungeon to help rescue her parents but as she was still young the rest of the rescue team denied her the opportunity, she waited for it to be night and sneakily explored the dungeon, however she fell down a pit trap to the lower levels of the dungeon. She found herself in a dark room with three big spheres and a glowing gem right in the center of the room, Olive decided to explore the room and the lower part of the dungeon, but her inexperience in exploring caused the monsters of the dungeon to detect her and try to attack her, she ran for her life back to the room with the three spheres, but the monsters followed her closely, in a desperate attempt to escape she touched the glowing gem, causing the three big spheres to awaken, the three spheres were automatons which defended Olive from the dangerous monsters, once the fight was over she felt relief, but the gem in her hand started to glow more intensely with a light that swallowed everything it touched.

Olive woke up in a distant land, still with the glowing gem in her hand and with the three automatons following her, she spent a couple of years traveling and adventuring until she managed to come back to her town. There she found out that the mysterious dungeon disappeared shortly after she went in, and that it had not been seen since then. Olive made her goal to travel around the world to find the mysterious dungeon and discover what happened to her parents.


Description: (Required for written works only): Olive Copperheart is a purple haired, green-eyed girl that’s obsessed with machines and everything robotics related, she wears a deep blue scarf with dark clothes, and has some armor over the normal clothes, she wears a protective chest plate, knee-guards and wrist guards, all made from the same material that’s a light and flexible metal that allows her to move freely. She also wears a belt that allow her to carry around different materials and her wrench which she uses to repair the robots that accompany her, both the chest plate and the belt has big gems incrusted, these gems are special batteries that allow her to refill the robots with energy, she also has protective goggles in case she needs to weld something. 

She is accompanied by a group of three semi spherical robots, a red one named Felap which fights using big fists and has a red apple logo on his inferior part, a blue one named Raubet who wields a sword and has a grapes logo on his inferior part, and finally an orange one named aeron which flies and attacks at long distances using two laser guns, this last one has an orange logo on his inferior part.

  • 89
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Indomitable Talisman Ability


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