Portal Posi Boss Battle: Take it From the Top

Chapter 4: Take it From the Top

Prompte #3: Ride ‘em cowboy! There’s plenty of real estate atop the mech, maybe you can do some damage from up there. Draw or write about your character climbing onto the giant mech and trying to stay on!


“Alright, pretty boy. I get why you’d want to do a HALO drop, but I have a question.” 


“Go ahead.” 


Pandora inhaled deeply and pressed her palms together before tilting her fingers towards the pink-haired fool. 


“Are you stupid?” 


“... I’ve been accused as such, but why in particular this time?” 


The Avangardian racer pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. Even after listening to this “Fiddlehead” guy’s plan, and learning he was some kind of plant and therefore might be okay if he dropped from a high altitude… She was about ready to strangle him for seemingly missing one minor detail. 


She,” the half-demon hissed, flinging her arm to point at the other member of their motley crew, “looks like a pretty regular human to me!” 


“Oh, I assure you, Miss Pandora, I am very well-trained! I’m sure with the proper angle, we can take down this mech!” 


Pandora grimaced, looking the young artificer, Olive Copperheart by name, up and down. So vivacious and eager and full of hope… and thin… 


“Listen… You both seem like nice people… But girl, you will snap like a toothpick if you so much as bend the wrong way. And you,” she snapped, stabbing a finger at Gabi, “shouldn’t be putting dumb ideas into the heads of young girls. Frankly, I don’t care if you do the jump and end up as a smear on the back of a giant mech. That’s your choice. But don’t take her with you.” 


“But we have to go from further up. Posi’s been teleporting everyone who gets close!” Gabi argued. “And everyone says you’re one of the best racers in Avangard. Where else are we going to find someone so capable?” 


“Please, Miss Pandora!” Olive pleaded. “I have all of my tools! And Aeron can be my parachute! We’ll do some serious damage!”


The orange automaton chirped and raised its little laser guns, waving them around as it went in a smooth circle around its master.


The display seemed to put Pandora at ease not at all. 


“Okay… I have a different pitch, and you two are either going to do it my way, or you can find someone else to take you in,” the racer proclaimed. “Understood?” 


“Hit me,” Gabi agreed with a nod. 


Olive looked between the two, then slowly followed suit, nodding silently in agreement. 


“Okay. Here’s the deal…” 






Gabi and Olive held on for dear life as Pandora skimmed practically across the ground, her glider narrowly missing debris, portal traps, and nasty minions. While the skilled flier was steady on her feet, Gabi was lucky to be the extra-clingy sort, with enough grip to hold both himself and Olive down… A good thing too, since she looked a bit queasy. 


Up ahead, the shining hide of the mecha-snake drew closer. 


Remember the plan. I take you in low and fast, but when I give you the signal, you need to jump right then, or not at all. I can’t be held responsible for what happens if you overshoot. It’s not gonna look like good timing, but you have to trust me. 


Closer… Closer… 


Pandora’s hand suddenly went up. 


The signal! But… we’re still so far away-Wait! Where’s-GAH! OLIVE! 


The girl had already dropped, and so… just as Pandora pulled up, he followed. 


There was no way- Oh wait! He was actually… going a lot further… a lot faster… than he thought he would… Oh fuck-


His first bounce, he felt like he barely glanced off of the snake’s shining hide… The second, he hit the edge of one of the snake's massive links, sending him end over end. No grip… He was gonna fall! 




Gabi crumpled against a staunch, red, apple-shaped robot, who poked him for a second to make sure he was still alive, before placing him in the recovery position. 


“Are you okay?” Olive called out, making her way over to the downed man, having actually dropped on time and landing a lot more smoothly. 


The crumpled heap in front of her gave a slow, shaky, thumbs-up. 


Pandora skimmed by, waving, a small smirk barely visible as she shouted one last, “IDIOT!” before rocketing away. 


And the worst part was, he couldn’t say he disagreed.


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