PaperDemon Art RPG

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Uploaded on Apr 15, 2024, 7:53:28 AM by shona .

Dee #pd1037

96 / 100
Character data
Date addedApr 23, 2023, 6:56:47 AM
Date last editedJun 5, 2024, 6:00:57 AM
Owner UnlikelyValentine
Designer URL Designer

Character Name: Stefan "Dee" Harclay

Nicknames: Stinky, Peepaw, Beak Face, Badger, Mutt Brain, Kitty, Beast, Creature, Big Nose, Panda Face, Skin Creeper, Eldritch Kitty, Nose Friend Dee, Perfect Abomination, Dee Nose, Doc, Good Doctor/Surgeon, Marshmallow Homie, and Marshmallow Kitty

Gender: Male(He/Him)

Character Age: Middle-age(Actual age 178)

Character Species: Shape-shifter(Unknown)

Height: 2.08m(6'10'')

Weight: 141kg(about 311lbs)

Hair color: Silver-grey

Eye color: Pink/red

Sexuality: Homosexual

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A kindly old man who seems to have an underlying animalistic instinct to him. Always looking to keep things lighthearted, even in the most dire of situations. Can often be seen displaying cat-like behaviors such as chasing tails, prowling in the dark, and sleeping curled up in a basket. Very much a snuggle bug.

"Call me Dee. Humble detective, former surgeon."

"Okay, any more questions before I put my torso back together?"


Relationships: Disare(Partner), Kai(Partner/Close friend), Lawrence(Partner/Close friend), Dante(Close friend), Anarith(Frenemy), Skye the duck(Best friend)

Brief History:

Born and raised in a mansion at the base of the Swiss Alps, Dee's childhood was rather rough. A fascination with human anatomy led him to attend a college in Zurich, in which he committed an atrocity that sparked an voracious hunger for meat. Upon arriving home, his family met the same fate, leading to a long-lasting isolation of himself. Animal populations dwindled quickly, leading him to seek out man to satisfy his unending craving.

Over the years, he studied biology and traveled enough to obtain a copy of the Necronomicon and learned the secrets to siphon the life from both man and beast, or for religious folk, their souls. The soul-reaping habits of the man attracted his current partner to his home, in which he became enamored with over time. Eventually, they ended up together and raised a family, of both adopted and children born of their own blood.

With his newfound love, he abandoned his human hunting habits and was riddled with guilt. This had made him realize he had to make amends, helping others who need help, even if it oversteps a few legal boundaries. Taking up private detective work was where he found his best position to help others due to his keen sense of smell and affinity for piecing things together. Most of his tasks involve finding missing items, loved ones, and, at worst, suspects.


Once joining the Paperverse, he's been a common sight in the guild. The first person he had talked to had stolen his heart, even! Since then, he's been considered a sort of "class pet."

Known Conditions/Weaknesses:

Magic- Has a severe reaction to magic, similar to an allergy. His cells break down rapidly and negate the effects of healing magics. Often develops sores, melts, or has problems breathing in highly magical areas.

Dairy- Allergy

Bonus: Being a carnivorous creature, he has sharp teeth. Including long canines that can retract into sockets in his skull.

Is actually a nocturnal creature and thus has a tapetum lucidum; able to contract iris very far back for the illusion of pure black/red eyes

Scale patterns can show inconsistencies, such as growing on the shoulders and hips or absent on said areas. However, the abdomen, arms, ankles, and face scales stay consistent.

Scars on the bottom of his hands resembling Elder Signs of eldritch origin.

Capable of bipedal and quadruped movement, seamlessly switching between the two.

His tongue can reach up to 122cm(4ft) in length. Used for getting honey out of beehives and various carnivorous actions.



Page dividers by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more

  • 1268
    Ability Points
  • 4
  • Mentor Talisman Ability


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