PaperDemon Art RPG

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  1. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 1:52:24 AM UTC
    ID: 3685 | #1
    Level 2
    This is just out of curiousity... but why did you name the site "BogusRed"? Was it your nickname, or did it just come out of the blue to you and you thought it was a really neat name?

  2. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 5:14:30 AM UTC
    ID: 3687 | #2
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Ah an interesting question. Here's the long winded version of the story...
    A long time ago (probably about 10 years ago) I had AOL and had to come up with a screen name. I wanted to get the screen name RedXIII for my favorite Final Fantasy 7 character. The alias was already taken so I had to come up with a variation on it. I had just finished watching the movie "Bogus" with Whoopi Goldberg so that inspired the username BogusRed13. I actually wanted BogusRedXIII but my mom typed it in wrong and it was too late >.<. Anyway, the username sort of stuck and I eventually dropped the 13. I baught the domain name after my username. I would have bought the .com but i felt .net was more appropriate since this site is a network site and not commercial. I wish I HAD bought .com though because someone just bought it within the past year so now I can't have it. :( I'd probably have to fork over a few thousand dollars to get the .com now.

    Anyway, that's the history of the name BogusRed
  3. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 7:52:09 AM UTC
    ID: 3691 | #3
    Level 36 BETA
    Gawd that sounds like me!

    About 8 years ago I wanted an e-mail name that described me.

    Storyteller was taken
    Yarnspinner was taken

    and I didn't want one of those with a gazillion numbers after it... so I played around with variations and came up with 'fablespinner'

    it stuck like super glue to fingers.

    So like you the longer I was on line... the more the nickname cemented itself and about 5 years ago when I got my website... the domain name fablespinner went right along with it... too hard to change it when everyone knows you as "fablespinner".


    I can so relate. *hugs*
  4. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 9:15:28 AM UTC
    ID: 3692 | #4
    Level 281 ADMIN
    Yeah I know. The only thing I like about the name BogusRed is that no one else has it. It's original. But it's really lame. "Paper Demon" sounds cool though :D I wish I would have thought of that name earlier.

    Yeah I know how you feel D. I'm just sort of stuck with it now. We can't just change our names. :cries:
  5. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 10:17:11 PM UTC
    ID: 3706 | #7
    Level 61
    My friend on Otaku asked me one time why I had this username because I've got a really happer personality, and yet my username sounds depressing.

    My favorite song ever is called American Pie. Well, in there it says "The day the music died". So, from that I took "themusicdied". If you ever hear that song, I thought of this username hours after dumped my first boyfriend for cheeting on me. That'll make it all able to be understood if you hear the song. ^_^
  6. Posted on Aug 6, 2005, 10:59:28 PM UTC
    ID: 3708 | #8
    Level 281 ADMIN
    I :heart: the Weird Al version of American Pie, the Saga Begins! I'm listening to it right now. That song is so awesome. I always wondered about your alias themusicdied. I'm happy to know what it means now. :D
  7. Posted on Aug 8, 2005, 9:13:57 PM UTC
    ID: 3762 | #10
    Level 81 BETA
    Hey, interesting forum! Its nice to understand why we choose our nickname!
    Im like fablespinner, i didn't want a name with numbers, i wanted originality. At first i used celtic name but i thought that it wasn't really me. Lilimayhem is a bit of my full name with a real word. You see my name is Lisianne Ménard (to be prononce Leseann Maynar) lili has always been one my nick in school so :Lili may is for my last name but i decided to use the word mayhem. I thought Lilimay was too short! This is the incredible story of my nickname! :grin:

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