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Star Trek

  1. Posted on May 11, 2009, 5:04:24 PM UTC
    ID: 24342 | #1
    Level 40

    Any one else seen it yet?


    Beware - a few SPOILERS mentioned below and mild ranting!


    I enjoyed it.  But one thing kinda creeped me out. :blink:

    WTF - with Uhura and Spock? :slant:

    I felt sullied and unusual over that.  :sick: That's just me.  Maybe because she just walks up and molests the guy (Okay Spock wasn't exactly hesitant ) *insert drooling grab-ass deep kissing*  But...WTF?!!  Sorry Spok as you are the resident abstinent officer on the bridge I forbid you to have hot make-out scenes with Uhura.  No, whispering sweet nothings and touch feely-ness either. :lol:

    Then again old Spock said 'GO FOR IT' at the end.  So I suppose he has a blessing from a higher authority.

    Fine. Spok and have Hot-Kinky-Jungle Sex with Uhura.  Curse you my perverted imagination! :doh:

    If a movie franchise is started over this new film it will be WIERD, but I will be compelled to watch it.  A strange new world would await Trekkies...  One in wich Spok gets laid...A LOT.  Loudly.   Okay, I'll stop. :lol::dance:

    Last edited by Sliverbane on May 12, 2009, 12:16:55 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  2. Posted on May 11, 2009, 9:23:04 PM UTC
    ID: 24343 | #2
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    Heheh- I don't know much about Star Trek, but I saw it the other night and yes- VERY incredible. And well done.

    But wasn't Jim Kirk a friggin PRAT as a kid? I felt like getting up and kicking the screen!! I'm so glad he didn't get the girl XD 

    Simon Pegg was godly though. If the movie was crap, he would've made up for it with his part as Scotty. *dies happily*

  3. Posted on May 11, 2009, 11:51:29 PM UTC
    ID: 24344 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN

     I hated the original Star Trek tv series, but loved this new movie! I wasn't put off by the Spock and Uhura pairing. It was unexpected for sure, but I kind of liked it.

    I love that they made this an alternate reality. It's totally a clever idea. I can't wait for the sequels.

    One thing I didn't like was there was a total overboard of lens flares and lens glares in the movie. It was very distracting and only reminds the viewer that they are watching a movie as that effect is an artifact of the film lens (thought it looks as though many of those glares may have been artificially created).

  4. Posted on May 12, 2009, 12:16:06 AM UTC
    ID: 24345 | #4
    Level 40

    Yes, young Kirk is a prat.  :lol:

    I think my beef with the Spock Uhura thing was it seemed like we're missing some scenes.  When did THIS HAPPEN?  I was like Chris from Family Guy  'WhaaaaAAaaat?'

     Ah!! I wasn't the only one who noticed the unessessary lense flares! :thumbsup:

  5. Posted on May 17, 2009, 2:02:31 AM UTC
    ID: 24347 | #6
    Level 5

    Spock and Uhura were terribly cute. In the original show she flirted with him once in a while. I always had the feeling that if he was a little bit less repressed, he might reciprocate. He already admired her mind. Well, now we have a less-repressed Spock whose father doesn't subconsciously shame him about being half-human or about loving a human. It works for me. :)

    Uhura in general bugged me... it might have been inclusive enough in 1966 for a woman to just exist as an officer on a starship, but it's 2009 now. Give her something to do in the sequel, other than opening hailing frequencies and monitoring the guys' life signs when they go off on adventures. She's smart, she's capable, we know that. (Seriously? All of the women with speaking parts in this movie were either mothers or girlfriends. Somebody slap the male gaze out of Abrams already.)

    On that note, I assume she was the one in command when the Enterprise came blasting in to beam Jim off the Romulan ship and Spock out of his kamikaze Spockmobile? That's my version of events, anyways.

    That said, I have no problem with Zoe Saldana, she just needs to be given more lines and action. I adored both Simon Pegg and Anton Yelchin. And John Cho, although he needs a bit more development. Karl Urban needs to settle on an accent, but otherwise he is a very good Bones. Chris Pine is a bit generic (I kept having flashbacks to Shia LeBoeuf's character in the last Indiana Jones movie) but I think he'll grow on me. He'll do as a Jim Kirk with a more troubled childhood than the original.

    Zachary Quinto was far and away the best. It was so easy to believe he was Spock, even when he was standing face-to-face with Leonard Nimoy, and even though his personality is not entirely like that of the original.

    If anyone can pull off a reboot like this, complete with handwavey alternate-universe explanation, it's Star Trek. I can't wait for a sequel.


    Last edited by Megaptera on May 17, 2009, 2:03:54 AM UTC. 1 total edits.

  6. Posted on May 17, 2009, 6:06:36 AM UTC
    ID: 24348 | #7
    Level 6

    Uhura and Spock...... eew >.<   I always imagined them as having a sister-brother relationship.  But aside from that I've no complaints with the movie.  They got action and that classic Star Trek humor.  Not to mention Scotty was dead-on perfect.

  7. Posted on May 17, 2009, 5:11:15 PM UTC
    ID: 24351 | #8
    Level 40

    On May 16, 2009 11:06 pm, 626elemental said:

    Uhura and Spock...... eew >.<   I always imagined them as having a sister-brother relationship. 



    That's what I mean..  it kinda creeped me out.  I suppose I'll get over it...I just wasn't prepared. :wacko:

  8. Posted on May 18, 2009, 12:50:04 AM UTC
    ID: 24355 | #9
    Level 275 BETA ADMIN

    It's got me interested too. I wasn't a Trek fan before hand- mostly due to exposure levels, but I like this. I am also sick of the constant pair ups. There's romance, and then there's ROMANCE in a movie. It'd be nice to have some people questionable.

  9. Posted on May 19, 2009, 5:38:21 AM UTC
    ID: 24360 | #10
    Level 2

    KidKirk was perfect!  Exactly what i was expecting him to act like.


    The Uhura and Spock pairing was a surprise, but it's about time that someone other than Kirk got some action, to be honest.  It added fun and intrigue to the plot; and so long as i was always clear in my mind that this movie was set in another dimension, i didn't mind. 

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