PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 18336 - Shotacon and Lolicon in the Red Curtain

  1. Posted on Aug 4, 2007, 2:31:42 AM UTC
    ID: 18336


    It seems ,by what you say, that if you draw something that means you do it in real life. Yes, i draw alil underage here and there but I'm not a pedo or a child molester.

    As far as "pedophilia, necrophilia, incest, bestiality and scat" go I think you're getting far out of line and off the subject.

    Bestiality is the choice of a person to have relates with an animal. I really don't care with you do in your free. Not hurting you or the animal ,go right ahead.

    Pedoing is wrong ,but don't try to slap the pedo sticker on artists that draw it. Unless you have real proof they are pedos you have no right to say that, as far as i'm concered.

    Necrophilia...No one was even talking about that.

    Scat...You'd be surprised at how few there is of that unless you LOOKING FOR IT!

    What I see you doing right now is accusing me of being a pedophilie JUST because I do alil souta and loli every now and then ,and I don't like that one bit, sir or ma'am. I would never do such a thing to a child.

    ...Oh almost forgot incest. Incest is viewed as alil gross to some ,but overall there's nothing wrong with it. how much as wrong with it isn't based on the law ,as much as it is the people themselves that have to deal with things like that.

    Scat, Besti, and incest are personal choices. You don't have any sort of right to tell people otherwise.

    Necro is ...unhealthy, but i see alot of guys with usernames like "DeadGirlsDontSayNo" running around as I can be too disgusted all the time or I would never get on the internetz. I do know for heath reasons it is illegal.

    And what does " not be lulled into a feeling of intimidation by those who want to use this forum as a seeding ground for their agendas." mean?

    Surely you're not impiling(?) that anyone turing to scare Bogus into just up ,and doing it. Also that we're just gonna turn PD into pedo-land ,if she does beside to change it.

    No one has any will to scare anyone or turn the dsite compeltely one sided.