PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 28897 - Hello Internet! Live video with BogusRed

  1. Posted on Sep 23, 2017, 8:43:50 PM UTC
    ID: 28897

    I still feel bad that I let myself fall away from here but after some really horrible incidents at another site and with some online people I let everything online and fandom drop.

    I've been slowly working back since I feel much better with my fic here vs. other sites.

    Tumblr might be more popular but Tumblr is super, super toxic.  There's a lot of "moral absolutes" that people feel if you don't adhere to you are free to be harassed, threatened and labeled as evil/worse by fandoms and the internet at large.  (An incident with an artist being given cookies with needles because of a pairing she wrote).

    I'm not able to help on the art side of things since I'm a pretty mediocre (and currently not active) fic writer, lol.  Maybe I can be more help as I move things here and try and finish items that I had to abandon for one reason or another.

    I forget, does Paper Demon have a twitter?  I'm far more active there as I leave my FB private.

    And I'm super sorry for rambling in your forum post.  Hope I said something useful XD