PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 28899 - Hello Internet! Live video with BogusRed

  1. Posted on Sep 26, 2017, 10:36:18 PM UTC
    ID: 28899

    It isn't to say you can't find good people on Tumblr, it's just overrun with this 'all or nothing mentality where it is considered by some they need to be the moral compass of the universe and police not only creative works but those who consume or create them.  It's absolutely awful.

    Not for moral reasons but I was forced out of a fandom for daring to complain about things on my own blog.  It has gotten, thankfully, very easy to block someone on Tumblr and unlike before where it kinda filtered things, now it IS a block.  Not only that but I use Tumblr savior so that topics I'm not comfortable with are collapsed if a friend I follow posts them.

    And even following only a dozen blogs (a few are people I know in real life) I still see constant garbage.  

    And sorry, didn't mean to start ranting about Tumblr, lol.  The place just pretends to be nice but really, it's not worth trying to be there.  Especially since it seems to also be a HUGE place for art theft as well.  I've seen many posts of art with 'don't know the artists' where someone took the image from a Tumblr post and reposted it, sometimes cutting out the watermarks

    I'll be straight up honest.  I glad to be back here.  I've never felt scared to talk here (outside of normal nervousness)..