PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 43952 - Interactive Event: Saving the Crystal Heart

  1. Posted on Jul 9, 2023, 6:14:19 PM UTC
    ID: 43952

    On Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:11:30 GMT, Seabluewolf said in post id 43935:

    Cobalt Streaks's eyes narrowed at the boughts of infected. These monsters...they had bursted through the defenses.

    What to do now? The question rung in Cobalt's head as he scratched at his stubble, furrowing his eyebrows whilst he pondered. Then, an idea struck. He had to brute force his way through the horde. A good defense is a great offense... that's how the quote went, right?

    Before he could enter the fray, Cobalt needed to find a weapon. Something that could stave off the Umbrum, but also something that couldn't hurt the heavily infected ponies. What was there to use..?

    Roll a WIS Stat Check to see what he can find! 1-3 he finds nothing, 4-7 he finds an object that he can swing around, but it probably won't do much damage, and 8+ he finds something solid to swing.