PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 43954 - Interactive Event: Saving the Crystal Heart

  1. Posted on Jul 9, 2023, 6:24:15 PM UTC
    ID: 43954

    On Fri, 07 Jul 2023 00:00:24 GMT, Creature said in post id 43938:

    Wildifre had heard stories of the Crystal Empire of old. Not only the Heart desperately needed protection, so did the Princess of this land. Luckily she was already on the edge of the crowd, so she probably wouldn't have too much trouble ducking away and running for the center of the city. She arrived just in time to see Pale buck at a warped. There were two more left to go for the Heart, or Colbalt. Wildfire opened her saddle bag and vines unfurled around her in the embrace of her magic. She attemped to wrap them around the closest warped to the Heart, binding them up, but leaving enough long vine so that she was still holding them in the air by a long string. 

    (WIS check passed with a 7.)

    Roll a DEX stat check to see if she can snag the closest warped infected! 1-4 misses, 5-8 lashes the infected by doesn't quite bind him, and 9+ successfully wraps him in vines!