PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 44040 - Interactive Event: Saving the Crystal Heart

  1. Posted on Jul 12, 2023, 7:45:19 AM UTC
    ID: 44040

    On Mon, 10 Jul 2023 05:46:34 GMT, TalesFromEquestria said in post id 43972:

    On Sat, 08 Jul 2023 22:10:28 GMT, Neonsparks said in post id 43947:

    boho bloom had been in the heart area trying to cheer up spirits by being creative and decorating the palace. the last thing she expected to run into was a bunch of possessed skeleton creatures. stunned at first she did little to stop them from charging past. however, upon realizing where they were headed she ran after them, hoping she wasn't too late to help the others. As she ran into the fray she aimed to attack with her horns, lowering her head to run into one of the infected. 

    WIS rolled a 9 and has dodged the illusions

    Roll a DEX Stat Check to see if her charge hits, 1-5 being a miss, 6+ hitting the warped infected! If the hit lands, roll a STR Stat Check to see damage done, your roll x 10=damage.

    DEX rolled an 8, and hit lands!
    STR rolled a 13, x10 = 130 damage dealt
