PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1303 Members

Post 46764 - Roleplay Guidelines UPDATED for 2024

  1. Posted on Mar 4, 2024, 5:54:54 PM UTC
    ID: 46764

    Helpful Roleplay Tips

    1. Don't worry about others (or most importantly, yourself) being consistent in replying to roleplay.

      • Life takes priority! Only respond to roleplay when you feel you have have the motivation and time to do so.
      • Writing can take time and patience. Some characters are easier to write than others, and sometimes they just don't have the muse. Don't blame yourself and take a break!

    1. Never be afraid to communicate with roleplayer partners on how best to roleplay together. You'll have more fun with the transparency than wondering and keeping silent. Chances are, they feel the same about hard lines.

      • It can sometimes be helpful to establish a turn order, when it comes to group roleplay. As with anything, discuss how is best for all. Passing a turn is completely acceptable!

    Last edited by Fordandra on Mar 4, 2024, 5:55:04 PM UTC. 1 total edits.