PaperDemon Art RPG

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Post 7578 - A FABULOUS weekend :D

  1. Posted on Feb 15, 2006, 6:47:11 PM UTC
    ID: 7578
    I agree MoonD, My V-day sucks, it's like my birthday...always one of the worst days of the year for me.  I had to work and work was vicious.  At one point I was literally running to get things done.  It was so crazy!  Then I didn't get lunch (which is always sad for me :()  and I had to stay an hour past my shift to finish everything because the person coming to relieve me refused to help. :mad:  Usually at work, the other people working will come to help the one person who's running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but not last night.  Partly because almost everyone was having an insane night, partly because I was assigned to a back portion and people didn't know how busy I was and partly because my profession is famous for the "eat your young mentality."  This means that some would rather watch the newbies like me drown and sink then help and mentor them into better people.  Oh well!  I go back tonight, hopefully it won't be as crazy. :)