PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1308 Members

Post 9408 - Visual Critique! The Most Awesomist New Feature in months at PD!

  1. Posted on May 17, 2006, 1:29:17 AM UTC
    ID: 9408
    What?! What is this visual critique you speak of? What does it all mean?

    Well I'll tell you. It's the greatest thing since... since... well, since the last great feature to be added to PaperDemon.

    You can now upload an image with your art critiques! Yes! That means you can save someone's artwork to your computer, draw ontop of it in photoshop or whatever program you use, and then upload it with your comments! That is just awesome. It's a visual critique! Visual crits will be marked with a star :star:

    This will be a great tool that I expect to be used a lot for submissions in the Crit Wall. Please make good use of this handy feature.

    I must say in advance. Please, do not upload images that aren't visual critiques. It wastes server space.