PaperDemon Art RPG

Open group | 1356 Members

Item Compendium

This page lists all items as part of PaperDemon Art RPG. Here you can learn more about the items, what they do, and purchase them. Inventory quantities are quantities belonging to the PaperDemon Art RPG store.

Tag Search: rare-drop

13 matching items

ImageNameCategoryQnty LeftIdDate addedPurchasableSellableTradablePlayer EquipablePlayer De-equipableDe-equip poofTags
Trokens Currency170Feb 20, 2021 rare-drop premium
Dragonbone Crafting materials1622May 14, 2022 rare-drop crafting-ingredient
Evil Eye Crafting materials838Jul 19, 2021 rare-drop crafting-ingredient
Iron Wood Crafting materials1632Jun 13, 2022 rare-drop crafting-ingredient
Mage's Bane Crafting materials1605Apr 26, 2022 rare-drop crafting-ingredient
Parkat feather Crafting materials1704Oct 6, 2022 rare-drop crafting-ingredient
Bookwyrm Bookmark Consumables853Aug 6, 2021 rare-drop premium
Buddy Book Consumables1798Feb 21, 2023 craftable rare-drop
Med kit Consumables1934Aug 28, 2023 rare-drop craftable heal-65
Potion of Major Hiding Consumables855Aug 9, 2021 craftable rare-drop
Potion of Minor Hiding Consumables1627May 28, 2022 craftable rare-drop
Tea - Unicorn Earwax blend Consumables1806Mar 15, 2023 premium rare-drop food heal-100
Jubilant Rain Scraps & Trash Items847Jul 21, 2021 rare-drop