We're moving!!! SITE WILL BE DOWN

PD is getting an upgrade!

We will be moving from dinky shared hosting to a dedicated server! The website address (paperdemon.com) will remain the same. However, the site will need to be frozen by being put in Read Only mode and possibly down completely for a couple days while the site is moved over from our current host over to the new host. You should see something on the main page, paperdemon.com, with a status report on the migration process.

Post your artwork and writing NOW while you still can. The site will be put in Read Only mode by the end of the week and may last a couple days while i transfer the data.

So what the heck is the difference between shared hosting and a dedicated server? Well with shared hosting, we are on a server with like 800 other websites. The service can sometimes be unreliable resulting in intermitant downtime and slowness. With a dedicated server, PaperDemon.com and its affiliate sites such as PaperDemonMedia.com and BogusRed.net will be the only ones on the server. This means the site will be super duper fast and far more reliable! It also means we'll have more disk space and bandwidth! Probably more than we will ever use.

Thank me for this because this is super duper expensive and is coming out of my own pocket. You can show your support by making a purchase from the PD Store!

UPDATE September 23
There were some issues with moving the site over and the site move has been delayed. Sorry for the inconvenience. The site will be in read only mode again on monday for the site move and will be down most of the day.

Image uploads and posting writing have been disabled until the site is moved to the new site. I'm having trouble allocating enough disk space to PD so that I could generate a backup and move it to our new server so things are pretty tight as it is.

Check back for more updates.