And... We're back!

The site move, though slow, was a success. :bounce: If you are reading this message you are now looking at at its new home at hosting! :grin: I'm really sorry to those of you who have been inconvenienced by all of the site down time. I assure you though that all of it was necessary for moving the site from our old hosting to our new server. It could have taken a lot longer to move everything over if LunarPages hadn't been so helpful. Their dedicated chat line is awesome. :thumbsup:

I originally planned for it to take less than two days but there were a lot more things involved with this site move than with the last. Oh well it's all done and taken care of now. If you happen to see anything strange going on, please contact me and I'll fix it. there may have been some files here and there that were missed in the transition or some pages I forgot to turn back on. :P Let me know if anything seems amiss.

Anyway, enjoy the more reliable and faster new server! :D