• Farewell to thee

    Mar 26, 2008, 5:33:31 PM | 2 minutes

    Today is kind of a big deal. Or at least I think it is anyway. I sold the very last of my original unicorn paintings. They are all gone! No more! It is an odd sensation I never thought I would ever Sell out of any type of painting. Even though I am beyond thrilled I am a little sad because one of my favorites is finding a new home. My husband never understands this. He would sell everything in my art studio including our rabbits if the price was right. He told me simply to paint more of them. I guess I will have to! Ironically I was sketching a new unicorn last night but it didn't turn out how I wanted it to so back to the old drawing board with that.

    Today I am free to do what I want with my art and I am thrilled. I hope I can get on some new paintings ASAP. It is a really nice day out. It feels like spring for the first time. The sun is shining and the air is warm. I have cats perched in windows with faces pressed on the screens. My dog is begging for a walk. I may have to procrastinate a little more.

    My grandma pulled through her surgery OK. Now it is a wait and see type of thing.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • Bailing yourself out with a straw

    Mar 23, 2008, 12:47:02 AM | 2 minutes

    I am drowning. Drowning in work and in merchandise and just stuff. My insomnia zombie self doesn't move fast enough to keep up. I spent all of my waking day gutting my art closet and making room for all the materials and stuff I ordered for show season. This is going to be the BIGGEST show season ever merchandise wise. After dinner I am gutting my studio and getting things in order. Tomorrow is a total wash because of Easter and we get to play ping pong with the in laws and my family. I have deadlines Monday, stuff needs to ship and I need to do inventory.

    I have some REALLY exciting projects on the horizon! It will be great if I can hustle my butt and keep my promises. So much to do.

    Johnnie has been a good husband and painted the living room which is DONE! All we have to do now is the trim. I am waiting to see if he is done for the night or if he is going to kill the hall or kitchen. No we haven't managed to finish anything we are just to freaking busy.

    I am stressed and anxious but it will get better soon, there is a light at the end of the tunnel even if it is the size of a pin.

    " I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."

    Gotta run!

  • Make Mine Chocolate!

    Mar 15, 2008, 10:40:30 PM | 2 minutes

    Make mine chocolate!

    It is that time of year again, spring is coming and people are decorating eggs. Easter rabbits and colorful chicks are everywhere. It is easy for people to get caught up in the holiday fun and get a pet bunny on an impulse or cave in to their children’s demands for a rabbit this Easter. We here at the fantasy art of Ash Evans are here to ask you to Make Mine Chocolate instead!

    Make Mine Chocolate is a campaign organized by the House Rabbit Society against the giving of live rabbits as Easter gifts. People equate rabbits with Easter so what would be a more appropriate gift to give on Easter morning than a rabbit? It may fit the theme, but it really does an enormous amount of harm. People are often unprepared for the ten-year commitment of caring for a rabbit and the initial interest in a pet rabbit can dry up quickly. So, shortly after Easter, rabbits start to make their way from being Easter gifts to being unwanted and abandoned. Humane Societies and shelters see a huge influx of rabbits after Easter and it's not like they don't already have too many to handle. People adopt dogs and cats at an amazing rate compared to rabbits and rabbits come in right behind dogs and cats as the most abandoned animals to find their way into shelters.

    This cause means a lot to me because I have 3 house rabbits of my own. I must tell you if I didn’t work from home I would not have as many as I do. Most people do not realize the following:

    Rabbits are NOT pets for young children, they can scare easily and are very fragile. They are often frightened and injured by children who tend to be too rough.

    Rabbits need care as much as or more then a dog. If you can’t handle a dog then don’t get a rabbit.

    They are not decorations! They are living loving feeling creatures. You can’t put them away in the attic after Easter like the rest so don’t treat them as such

    The cost for vet care for rabbits can be very costly (anyone who read my journal can attest to that)

    Cool alternatives to live bunnies:

    Stuffed rabbits, still cuddly!
    Marshmallow Bunnies!
    Bunny books!
    A donation to the house rabbit society!

    If you must have a real bun, do the research, get the facts and adopt!

  • 2008 Appearances

    Mar 11, 2008, 3:01:59 PM | 2 minutes

    Hi Everyone,

    Due to some scheduling conflicts I will be unable to attend the Western PA fairy festival. I also will not be vending at the MD Renn. Faire, I will be attending a few weekends and taking my grandfather to his childhood family farm (which is now the site of the faire) I am no longer supporting Balticon, it is poorly managed and even the convention doesn't believe in the art show. I did not apply to DragonCon this year. It isn't something I am not interested in this year, honestly I have more then I can handle behind the scenes this year to make the trip. I am however, attending the following:

    2008 Appearances

    The Greenman Festival- May 10-11, 10 am to 7 pm Greenbelt Maryland
    The Maryland Fairy Festival-June 7th and 8th, 10 am to 6 pm Upper Marlboro, MD
    INATS West- June 28th-30th 9-6, Denver Colorado
    Connecticon- August 1-3, 8am to 11:45 pm, Sunday closes at 3:45 Hartford CT
    Otakon, August 8th-10th, Baltimore MD
    Baltimore Comic Con- September 27th and 28th, Baltimore MD
    Faeriecon- October 10th-12th, Philadelphia PA

    This is actually the smallest show year I have ever had but I am focusing on growing my business. I want to improve my artwork and finish my book and focus on my graphic novel.

    My second baby dragon is complete and I am scaling the third one today and baking it. I have two more to complete after that and I am DONE for a good while. I have finished my Milk chocolate bunny but have to paint him.

    I have lots of ideas buzzing for the future. I will get to them soon.

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Dark Chocolate Bunny

    Mar 10, 2008, 8:43:52 PM | 1 minutes

    Hi Everyone,

    I have painted a new dark chocolate bunny. He is 100% guilt free and will last longer then this Easter. He is up for grabs here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230231145079

    I have sculpted the milk chocolate bunny and I will be painting him after I finish painting a dragon today. I then have to work on another baby dragon. I have 3 more to do!!! I want to find the time to work in my white chocolate rabbit too. I made his head already and he looks a little like my Huffel Puff! I did some reading last night and have finished the next Oz book. I am now reading the Emerald City of Oz. I loved the village of donkeys!! I may have to paint King Kick a Bray since Ev loves donkeys.


  • fat free chocolate bunnies

    Mar 9, 2008, 12:02:34 AM | 1 minutes

    Scaling a dragon makes me want to poke out my eyes. It is the least fun thing to do with my baby dragons. I am working on my second baby dragon, he is all sculpted and I am scaling him now. It is driving me nuts. I have two more after this and the drudgery is making me itchy. I have started sculpting some fat free chocolate bunny sculptures for Easter. I only have a head done at the moment.I want to do them in between the dragons, since scale rolling can really hurt my wrist. I am planning on doing a white chocolate one a dark chocolate one and a milk chocolate one. We will see what happens since Easter is right around the corner. I will have them up for grabs on EBAY if I do manage to finish them.

    I want to finish up with the sculpting so I can do some more painting. It is tempting to just sculpt little things because they sell so well but I love painting too much and my wrist can't do this all the time.

    I haven't done much else and plans this evening are work and watch a movie.

    Off I go to scale...

  • Weekend!

    Mar 7, 2008, 7:19:57 PM | 2 minutes

    I have shipped out all my orders for the week! I actually had a lot for the first time ever so that was pretty cool. If you are expecting something it went out today. My first baby dragon commission included. It was the cutest one I have done to date but I was in such a hurry I didn't get any photos of it.

    I have to crank out three more baby dragons!! I will start one of them today and hope that they move along quickly. Only when I am up to my eyeballs in something else do I want to do something for myself, isn't that always the way?

    I wanted to do another little bun sculpture for Easter but I am not sure if I will have time. I really liked the last one I did. We will see maybe I can sneak it in between dragons or something.

    This weekend we are painting again!!! Geeze it takes forever. Our walls are so dry and damaged they just suck up paint. The families are complaining they don't hear from us. All we do is work and fix up our crap shack, if you want to see us you are going to have to bring a paint brush. Ditto for friends. Nothing personal we just want to live in a nice place for a change. Johnnie is getting off early from work today so I better get some stuff done before he does.

    Have a wonderful weekend everyone :)

    PS I will be doing my yearly Make Mine Chocolate Post prolly tomorrow.

  • Update

    Mar 6, 2008, 7:52:25 PM | 1 minutes

    Hi everyone,

    My first baby dragon is baked and has a coat of paint drying. It will be done tonight and shipped off tomorrow. I actually have a lot of stuff to ship out tomorrow! It is nice.

    Last night Ev took me out to dinner and we saw The other Boleyn Girl, I really liked it. Of course I could just look at costumes and have a good time at the movie. I ate an entire bag of Sour Patch kids! It was really fun and nice to get out and about for a change.

    Today I am painting the dragon baby and packing up all the orders for shipping. Tomorrow will be sculpting yet another baby dragon....one down 4 more to go. Then I will need a huge sculpting break cause it hurts my wrist after a while.

    It's almost the weekend!!!


  • Fairy Bun

    Mar 5, 2008, 1:38:36 PM | 1 minutes

    Morning everyone,

    I managed to get up at a decent time today in spite of the fact that I went to bed around 2:30 this morning. I am hoping because of this I will get tired at a normal time tonight. It is good because I have a hair appointment today and I was afraid I was going to sleep right through it.

    I have completed my little Fairy Bun

    He is about 4 inches tall and 1.5 inches wide, hand sculpted and painted with glass eyes.He is up on EBAY if you would like to take him home with you. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=230229298658

    I am working on the baby dragon commissions and hope to finish the first one today. I LOVE thecold set technique Brigid told me about and I will be using it from now on. It makes things super hard and durable. YAY Bri! I will post pictures of the commissions after my baby dragon adopters get their little ones in the mail.

    Have an awesome day everyone!

  • Back to work

    Mar 4, 2008, 8:11:58 PM | 3 minutes

    I have finally made myself get some work done today. I have been making necklaces but it doesn't feel like real work to me. I am sleeping but my body is still out of wack, I get good sleep but not at the times I want at the moment. I also want to just sleep the day away but I think that is from the lack of sleep I have gotten in the past 2 weeks.

    I have a little bunny that I sculpted and painted all but his wings in December. He has just been sitting on my desk looking sad. I am not sure why I stopped at the wings or why I let it sit that long but I did manage to paint them today and he is done! I will be photographing him and putting him up on EBAY. He needs to find a home of his own.

    Today I also sculpted the dragon heads and scaled one of them entirely. I need to get my commissions done so I can do something I want to do. I like making the dragons though,they are a good get back into it project. The one I am working on is super cute! I am really happy with how it is turning out. I hope to finish her sculpting wise tomorrow so I can bake and paint her and send her on her way. Then I only have 5 more to do :) The bad thing about doing so many in a row is I HATE it by the end. All those scales make me crazy. I have a million projects in my head but lack the energy to really dive in. I really hope to get back to normal soon. I hate seeing everyone crank out painting after painting and me have nothing to show, it makes me feel like such a slacker. I want to get on a schedule where I am releasing something new once a week or so. We will see how that goes.

    Ev and I are on a diet. I really don't need to be but it is a support thing. I do want to loose like 10 lbs but I could do that just working out. He is actually competing with people at his work and the "biggest looser" gets a thousand dollars!!! We sure could use that so lets hope he stays dedicated.

    I added some new cameo necklaces to my ETSY site: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5199323

    I have 6 different designs up there at the moment but I have loads more,it is just a matter of doing the pictures and putting them up. I also ran out of bails last night :( I wish the parts all came in the same quantity. I will have to get some more.

    Well I better go, the baby dragons are calling. Have a great day everyone!