My Mom's A Grad Now!

Mar 2, 2008, 6:55:44 AM | 3 minutes

My mommy's a grad student with a bachelors on social work now! I'm so proud! Today was a great day! Now i'll go into more detail! :dance:


My mom has what she's been aiming for seen she was about 17 or so. Yay!

My oldest sister was there.

No mess got started. / No one had a fight.

We all got to yell really loud ,and it was funny my mom didn't see us at all ,until the end.

I got bad ass pics of here. I hate being in pictures ,but i sure as hell know how to take some!

I got my phone turned back on!

I got a SoBe! :3


Racist Asshole COSTLY resterant! - Alot together i know it was $300 spend in RABB's. The place in Ruston. People that came in AFTER us got their food BEFORE us. What really upsets ME tho is that i on't like eating food that costs too much. I'd rather cook my own food (i wuv cooking), then pay so stupid fucks that i have to wait on FOREVER to get my food.

My older sister didn't come. I'm not mad...I'm just REALLY disappointed with her, as is my mom and maybe everyone else.

LOLZ (in order) :

The guy behind (that suppose to be in fornt of) my mom was saying all kinds of things about people ...jusr being a general asshole. That's [art opf the reason why mom could see us. When she hears something it takes alot of her focus

My mom forget her car!! - We left alil while after we couldn't find her in the grad crowd, and she yelled at my sis and her friend and they had to go back. I went with them and toke pictures ,too. After a few my mom got in the truck with us and my sis said "Mom, you gonna come back to get your car?" and we all look at her and she was like "OH NOES! I forgot my car! XD" Best LOLZplaza of the day. In fact ,that was the funniest non-internet/ TV related thing i've seen in a long time.

She made a drunk promise to me that'd she'd take me out on my 20th bday. My last few bday days have been VERY boring and stuff... she was drunk so i'm not holding her to it...but it's funny cuz she was drunk! XD

Overall my day went very well.The "out to eat" part wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I'll take racist-giving-us-our-food-last over fighting. :yes: Next time something like this happens when going our asses to Ryna' we should've in the first place, but it was mom's idea and today was TRULY her day.


Still open for Battle Royal rp!

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