Roleplay update!

Jun 15, 2008, 1:06:03 AM | 2 minutes

So far i'm roleplaying with: - She's awesome! Long posts! she makes me feel lazy for my short posts. :laughing: - She has her...slow points, but her characters are interesting. :yes: She has to deal with my typs the most ,so we're even! :lol: Check out her game ,btw! - oh the CRACK! Mostly MSN doodle crack. - My original crack rp MSN doodle buddy! :worship: We haven't done it in a while ,but anytime one of us want to kick it off and we have the time it's all good. :yes:

Pending roleplayers are: i think... We started talking but we haven't since. she'll let me know if I ask.

I very unpleased with 2 people right now. I'm not gonna link their dA for reasons.

Bori is so... lackluster. The means she's acting like she doesn't even want to do it. Now it may b alil my fault cuz It took me a few days to get to her to rp, but if i say "I'm ready" and you're not just say so.

As far as LRFS goes, it feels like I'm getting the run around. Then ,when we got to rp it's like she wasn't even into it.

Seriously, i can take rejection. If you don't wanna rp with me that's fine. The run-around is what pissed me off.

I'm super happy for the active rpers I have.
I'm always open for more. :yes: I do sentence form ,and I'm now open to crack and crack doodles on MSN! :XD:
Serious rps will not be on MSN. They are on YIM and AIM only.
I don't do talk rps ,cuz i'm on the comp at any hour. If it's night i'll be too loud. I want o be understood and expressive i don't want to be interrupted if someone should walk in on me.

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