November Event Part 1: Controversial Academia

Nov 3, 2022, 12:48:45 AM | 1 minutes

November Event Part 1: Controversial Academia 


Around Ponyville, Sumit’s Hollow, and Canterlot, odd flyers began to appear. They were made of a sparkling parchment with glowing letters that could be seen even when the sun had gone down. While they caught the attention of nearly everypony who saw them, most were hastily returned to their posting or even thrown in the trash. If a character were to examine these flyers they would find the following message:


Aid in the Research of Wild Magic!


Professor Golden Sage is conducting very important research into the nature of Wild Magic and needs your help!


Ponies of all kinds needed, no magic abilities necessary! 


Please help us further our understanding of this amazing phenomenon!”


At the bottom is an address to a building located on the outskirts of Ponyville. 


Prompt: Create a piece depicting your character reacting to this flyer. Are they angry? Interested? Excited? Do they plan to help? Or would they rather someone put a stop to this dangerous research? 


All entries are due at 11:59PM EST on November 11th.


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