December Event Part 1: Ending Deception

Dec 2, 2022, 2:54:18 AM | 3 minutes

December Event Part 1: Ending Deception


The Friendship Express did something unusual on the first day of December. It had left Ponyville to the west, but did not go to Sumit’s Hollow. Instead it followed a new split track and went…somewhere else. When it returned, it did not stop in Ponyville as was normal. Instead it went right through and on to Canterlot. This caused quite a stir among the residents, as the train had been pretty regular in its schedule. 


In Canterlot the station was surrounded by an unusual number of Daywatch guards. Citizens started to gather, crowding the area until the guards themselves had to make them move back. The road was clear for a few minutes as the crowd whispered, but soon excitement moved through the crowd. Dawn Bringer was coming down the road with Captain True Heart to meet the train. 


Anticipation began to build as the smoke from the train showed up on the horizon. Soon the crowd was clamoring with excitement. Who could it be that had brought Dawn Bringer herself out? Everypony was practically vibrating and shifting hoof to hoof when the train slowly brought itself to a controlled stop at the station. With painful slowness the train settled and the doors opened.


Out stepped a tall, graceful figure that glittered in the sunlight. She was nearly as magnificent as Dawn Bringer herself. While some of her body was covered in a soft, fuzzy coat, the rest gleamed with a glossy sheen. Her hair, more membrane like than anything made of strands, sparkled as light passed partially through it. When she was fully on the platform she caused a gasp to rise from the crowd as huge wings were revealed with one quick flick of the shell on her back. Large and colorful, the wings were a sight all their own.


“Welcome to Canterlot, Queen Vespa,” said Dawn Bringer, “It was a great relief to find the Changeling Hive was intact and your people well. I look forward to Equestria welcoming Changelings once more.”


“Well enough, if isolated,” Queen Vespa acknowledged. “Thank you for the warm reception, though please don’t be insincere. We both know that Changelings are not new to Equestria…and that many never left.” 


She lowered her lashes and looked out pointedly at the crowd. “My subjects, I think the time for deception is long past. I know you are here.”


A ripple of confusion spread through the crowd. Unease settled upon many.


Queen Vespa spread both wings wide. “You would continue to lie to your neighbors? Your hiding was so you could stay and stay you did. What purpose does it serve now?”


The silence stretched until it broke at the first gasp. Part of the crowd shifted away from a pony who suddenly went from a simple pegasus to a changeling in an instance. Once one changed, another followed. A cascade of changelings revealed themselves among the Canterlot citizens. These were even ponies who had grown up there, been born there.


Dawn Bringer addressed the chatter and panic that began to rise. “Please, everyone. See this as a blessing, that we are now in a time again where Changelings feel they may be open with us. This is a step toward the Equestria of better and brighter days.”


She directly faced Queen Vespa, “Please, let me take you to the palace so you may rest and we may speak further.”


Prompt: The Hive of the Changelings has been rediscovered! Not only that, but it has been revealed that some Changelings have lived among the other ponies even after Wild Magic rose to power. How does your character react to this reveal? Do they personally know anyone that was actually a Changeling?



Changelings are now a species! See more in the Species of Equestria blog.


The story will progress December 9th!


All December event entries are due by December 31st, at 11:59PM EST.


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