Train Station

Sep 1, 2022, 2:39:16 AM | 1 minutes

Train Station

Train Ticket Conversion rate is 2 Train Tickets = 1 First-Class Train Ticket


The Train Station is where you get rolls for randomly generated characters redeemed with Train Tickets and approval for character imports redeemed with First-Class Train Tickets.


Train Tickets allow you to get a pony with randomly generated traits and one pre-generated color that must be used. Based on this you can create a design and flesh out the character as you see fit. 

First-Class Train Tickets allow you to bring in a custom character. This character does not have to be designed by you, but you must own the rights to use the design. 


To get a roll for a Train Ticket, please post the following:

I'd like a Train Ticket roll!



All imported characters must be the species depicted OR a species rarity below that depicted! You cannot "upgrade" the species of an incoming character. 

To get a character import approved, submit the following form:


Desired species:

Desired Markings:

Desired Characteristics:

Desired Mutations:

Image to Reference Image:


Once approved, you may submit your character.

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