Opening Month Raffle!

Sep 15, 2022, 1:21:41 AM | 1 minutes

Opening Month Raffle

Art thumbnail


Prize Choices: 1 custom design drawn by Ary (including First-Class Train Ticket), 1 First-Class Train Ticket, 2 premade adopts (more possibly to follow)




Using a random number generator, I have drawn the results. Everyone gets a prize. Here is the pick order. Please respond to this comment with what prize you want. (Adopt 1 (left), adopt 2 (right), custom design, or a First-Class Train Ticket)

1st Pick:  Zoukua Zoukua
Remaining Prize: Velnyx Velnyx


How to Get Tickets:

  • Post with “I would like a ticket” to get 1 ticket for being a member!
  • Post with a link showing a post promoting the group on another site. +1 ticket per site advertised on.
  • Someone else claims they joined because they saw a post by you…you get another ticket!
Ticket List: 
3. Zoukua
4. Zoukua
7. Velnyx

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