Friendship Games

Mar 2, 2024, 10:00:52 PM | 2 minutes

Friendship Games

The School of Friendship is offering a host of games to celebrate and promote the ideals of Friendship and the school.

In this game, you will team up with another player and complete an art trade. Each player will create a piece depicting their own character and the other player’s character working together in one of the sponsored games.

Any player who completes one of these pieces will get 50 additional HS. Any PAIR of players who complete this game will get 100 additional HS and a random item each instead.


The Games:


Six-Legged Race (Potato Sack Race)

  • Characters put 2 of their legs in two potato sacks and try to race as a single “6-legged” unit.


Blindfolded Maze

  • One character wears a blindfold and tries to navigate a hedge maze, while the other character gives directions from a platform.


Egg Relay Race

  • Characters try to get an egg from one side of the field to the other using spoons. Only the character not holding the egg can move and they can only hold the egg with the spoons. The egg must be unbroken at the end.


Tower Stack

  • Characters try to build the tallest tower with oversized wooden blocks without it falling.

If you can think of another good game to add to the list, let us know!




Post the following form here to submit your entries:

Your name:

Your Partner’s Name:

Game Chosen:



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