Songs of Reamere: Songs of Reamere Chapter 2

Published Apr 14, 2022, 9:52:40 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 29, 2022, 4:53:38 AM | Total Chapters 2

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Songs of Reamere Chapter 1

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Chapter 2: Songs of Reamere Chapter 2

When they were in their greatest hour of need, a kindly stranger took pity on the duo's plight and they found themselves in the company of someone else who was after the wonder that was the monster of the sea.

Koralia didn't really quite like how the stranger smelled, or how he sounded, but after an in depth analysis by way of ignoring personal space and unhearable high pitched squeaking, she found him to be... Passable. This did not yet mean the man had Koralia's trust, however.

He led them to see the incredible sight that was his ship, one that all but eclipsed the one they had been living on for what felt like an eternity already, but now they would be moving up in station, as it were.

Her rider Tsiishch'ili found himself becoming a deckhand to what he considered an actual pirate, even if the man's intentions were much more legal than that. Pirates were cool, even if they were completely dangerous.

The Nullarbor it was called, and null indeed it did make their old boat. Tsiicalled upon his partner to begin moving their supplies over from the old rickety floating death machine to this new world of a ship, one that towered over them as they stood upon the docks and spoke to the man called Wayre.

While the captain seemed to be excited about the prospect of finding this great mysterious creature, the rider and his mount instead saw the situation for what it was at face value. Dangerous.

Yes, seeing the creature as the first recorded to do so, and live, would be a feat neither of them would have thought they could have achieved even mere weeks ago, the danger of the situation kept the two of them grounded; if only in spirit.

Ground would soon be a distant memory, gone again to be replaced by the churning, blackened waves. For all of the upset Tsiishch'ili found himself feeling, the ocean itself was some matter of comfort. The weather had remained decent for their trip so far, and now that they would be embarking on a True ship, fit for the wonders of the water, their safety was at al all time high, for the moment.

As he looked over his shoulder to see his partner loading up the remainder of the supplies they had onto the new ship, he took a deep breath and, along with the captain, walked up the loading ramp and stepped onto the deck of the Nullarbor.

As Koralia set down the last of her task, that knot of unease returned to her belly, and as the deckhands raised the ramp and began to untie the numerous moorings, it only grew. As at the last point of departure, there would be no turning back, and as it was the second time, the weight of the matter seemed to only grow.

The Chiro's rider Tsiishch'ili then walked off with the man called Wayre to places unknown, and Koralia chose instead to find the most sturdy feeling mast and lean upon it, knowing she would be in the safest place once the ground began to move.

And move it did, a great dip did occur as the deckhands pushed the ship away from the docks, and off into the wild blue yonder they did go once more.

With growing whispers on the Nullarbor and stories of the sea monster lurking in the depths of the deep, dark waters spreading across the deckhands, the Chiro's anxiety was at an time high for the trip she was now committed to finish.

Claws dug deep into the wood of the wooden deck of the new, much larger ship they found themselves upon now, for dear life itself; a fearful shivering taking up residence in her entire body.

Tsiishch'ili, however, did not miss these signs from his companion, but he himself needed to stay strong in the face of possible, and likely, great adversity. The tight curl his tail took up, however, was a clear tell that he too wasn't exactly comfortable in the situation.

He hid this fact, however, very well from the rest of the crew and their captain, his captain now, and made it a point to gather whatever information the men aboard the new ship had.

Hours passed without incident, what felt to the Chiro like days, but seemed to be a change in the wind, a change in the air.

As her rider darted around and gossiped with the men about the monster, Koralia kept her proverbial eyes and literal ears perked, listening to every splash, every wave as they passed, waiting for any sudden changes or disturbances.

She had a great feeling of unease now that didn't match up with the nerves she had before, there was something that felt off. Something that felt Wrong.

Even the loud bustle and rowdiness of the crew around her could not take her attention away from the sea, and as she stood taller in her spot under the mast, her unease became dread.

First it was bubbles, small and quiet, but those bubbles swiftly became massive, rumbling, and then it happened. A shadow and the waves smashed into the side of the ship in a sudden, drastic change, and it seemed everyone aboard knew exactly what was upon them.

The great monster of the sea itself had rammed into the side of the Nullarbor and sent multiple deckhands toppling over, as well as sending a crash of water onto whoever stood closest to the side that had been hit.

Bells began to be rung by the crew closest to the and all hands ran on deck to prepare for the next move, the next hit, whatever the creature had in store.

Koralia quickly narrowed her rider out from the crowd and ran to him, unapologetically bumping into more than a few of the crew, but she had to get to him, they had to be together if they had any hope of handling the next bout of uncertainty if they were going to come out the other end unscathed.

Then there was a cry, a great cry from the monster, and, as Tsii mounted his partner and they climbed the main mast together to get sight of the creature, what lay before them was both awful and awesome. The sheer size of the shadow beneath them darted about with a speed almost unbelievable, and, even with the doubt they both harbored in the nature of this journey they had set themselves upon, the fire that burned in their bellies was beginning to burn bright.

1,103 words, 5,959 characters.


AP Information:


100 Words (+2AP) - (1,103 words) = +22 AP

Events (+4AP)

Rider (+5AP)

Personal Art (+3AP)

Total: 34 AP

Stryx Used:

Koralia #ds12932

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