A World Revealed: Unknown

Published Apr 8, 2023, 2:30:10 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 29, 2023, 1:53:25 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

"A World Revealed" chronicles the story of Mia, an angel trainee who sets out with her mentor, Etias, when they get more then they bargained for on her first mission. It takes place in the world of Auna, where the matters of life and death are ruled over by the two great trees that absorb these energies from all life. These trees are heavily guarded by both the angels and the demons, respectively, who are the main races in this tale.

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Chapter 2: Unknown

he blinked and looked to them with a stare ???: angels? Momodah told me to be careful about them.. he suddenly shined out blinding them from seeing as he fled into the forest.

Etias shook off the blindness, following after him into the forest, trailing the energy quickly, as he snatched at Mia's arm, pulling her along with him. "Hey, wait!"

before he could go any further he was soon caught in a spell trap that surrounded him and expanded. Far from it the boy stood in front of him ???: Its unwise to follow me. You wont be able to for thirty minutes with that in play. Im heading back home to the demon lands. I took care of the big ones, the imps are yours angels. Your welcome. he vanished into the forest once more.

Etias growled as the boy vanished into the forest and he was snuck. "Damn it..!" Mia froze for a moment, looking at Etias. "I'll be fine, Mia, take care of those imps!" She nodded, as she readied herself and sent out a flurry of feathers at the imps in the treeline around them, attacking them with her own silver light attached to them. 
they yelped burning up one by one. With no other choice they rushed forward after Etias in groups and jumped trying to attack him.

Etias was stuck, but formed a bubble of white flames around himself, burning them as they tried to leap at him, while Mia continued to attack them as well.

they were burned away group by group until finally they were all gone. The spell trap faded finally as well.

Etias landed , taking a moment to shake off the trap's effects, as Mia landed nearby, breathing a sigh of relief. He muttered a bit, thinking it over. "He's long gone by now, but what the heck was that?'

another angel appeared flying down at them with a group of others Angel: is everything okay sir?

Etias shook his head. "Not really." He filled the other in on what had happened so far.

the man nodded Angel: ah I see.. Forgive us lord Etias we were unable to explain the information from higher-ups to you before you left.

Etias blinked. "And what exactly was that?"

he nodded Angel: it seems something has happened in the demon lands. Minor, lesser, and even greater demons are being forced to the higher grounds. While the strongest of the demons seem to be hunting them. at the rate they're going, a great number of demons may overrun the forest lands.

Etias thumbed his chin a moment, thinking. "Have someone report in what we've encountered here. But we'll have to take a closer look at the ones being forced out for the time being. We need to get a better read on why they're doing this." He began to fly towards the crater at the edge of the forest, heading towards it to get a view of the situation for himself, taking Mia along with him. "We'll both head over there to scout things out and be back to report in on what we see soon."

the angel nodded as he flew off toward the skies. near the crater demons could be seen below piling around the area. most of them started attacking the others and fighting as several killed each other in anger and terror. Below a dark-winged boy looked to them floating above ???: its getting worse.. if we can't move the Seed, then we're done for..
Etias surveyed the scene from as he hovered near the edge of the treeline, nearest the crater, taking in the sight before them carefully,  as he watched the fighting. Mia stared at it with wide eyes and a bit of a frown, worried for what it would mean for the rest. "This isn't good.." He muttered. "It's worse then I was expecting, to be truthful..'

Mia spoke up softly. "What could make them fight each other? Why would the stronger demon force them out?"

the boy blinked and looked up to them then flew just near the border ???: you guys again.. alright, look there's a problem. I don't know what happened but it looks like your trees dropped a seed down into the demon lands. The power is so strong that the lower class is losing its minds.

Etias blinked, surprised by his approach but nodded. "I see.. We can take care of getting it out, if that's the case." He thought it over for a moment. "Think you can point out to us just where about it is?" He asked.

He shook his head ???: no your not taking it. Its too late for that. The Demon Master has it. He's made it grow and eat demons through his own powers. If ANYONE stronger than him gets down here, he will know and send every single one of his servants after them. That could spark a war that will be worse than this. If you want that seed you'll do it my way..


Etias frowned at that. "Then just what way is that? I'm guessing me heading down is out then? So what do you suggest?"

he nodded ???: with my plan you won't have to head down there. In fact I can make him come here. Ive been testing my ability for a while now... and some of the stronger demons seem to withstand it.. my ability is to move objects, beings, and anything I want to a certain distance. That's why I was able to well send a few of them into the forest.

Etias grinned. "Interesting...If you can pull it off, that is, sure.. What do you want us to do?"

he nodded ???: wait at the spot I stuck you in for me to appear there with him. It shouldn't take but a few minutes.

Etias nodded. "We can do that."

he smirked ???: good. At least you angels can do that. Now go.'

They both made their way over to the area he'd mentioned, settling down on the ground and readying themselves for what was to come.

time passed a bit but soon in front of them, a dark flare of smoke rose and appeared. Soon the boy stood facing the confused demon in red with a floating seedling behind him. He looked to them ???: he's here now.

the man looked confused but rose his wand forming a shield around him and the seed ???: I was tricked! you won't take the seed away from me!

the boy rushed forward slashing his barrier with his wings piercing it but as he did the demon rose his staff and sent a black ball of shadow energy at him knocking him away. He slid back and growled ???: it won't work, no matter how much you try to taint this thing it won't work.

Etias slashed at the barrier next, forming a sword of flame he slashed at the demon with.

Mia went after the seed, trying to grab it.

the demon quickly faded into smoke evading Etias and reformed in front of Mia sending a blast of darkness toward her defending the Seed. He then quickly pressed his staff onto the seed pushing darkness into it ???: if I cannot control it then I will destroy it! With its destruction, it will blow this entire area up! he laughed forming six barrier shields around him. The seed grew dark and pulsed glowing with the mixture of energy..

The boy shook his head ???: you won't get away with that! Momodah said no wars! he rushed forward forming his wings around his arms and slashing, breaking two of the shields. He growled struggling with the other ones. help me!

Etias slashed at the remaining shields, sending two fireballs at two of them, while Mia sent a flurry of silver light at the others with her feathers, both trying to shatter them.
the shields broke with their attacks until the demon was exhausted and dropped to the ground passed out. The boy looked to the seed ???: the energy is going to make it explode... I have to... he rushed forward and touched it but gasped suddenly being filled with light overflowing out of him ...gahhh! t-too much... i cant.. the light.. hurts!...

Mia blinked, but rushed over to him and the seed, trying to take hold of it instead. "H- Hang on!"

suddenly the light faded from him and dove into her causing her to glow with energy. Meanwhile, the darkness in the seed soon enveloped him as he gasped and turned dark. Soon his feathers fell off leaving only bone that became shrouded in darkness wrapping around him. The seed soon stopped pulsing and went silent disappearing into ash that formed a mist around the two of them hiding them from view of Etias.

Etias hissed, not liking this turn of events. "Mia! And hey! Are you two alright? Talk to me!!"

red eyes peered from the shadows ???: what have i become... what have you done to me!... auuuurrghh! *dark wings fluttered outward waving away the mist revealing skin demon wings and a long tail. the boy looked in horror and shook his head no...I cant.. I cant be... like them! he screamed out and flew into the sky then dived deep into the depth's below the forest toward the demon lands.

Mia shuddered, shaking her head. "But.... I... I didn't do..."

Etias moved to make his way towards her when the mist had cleared, trying to check on them.

angels had arrived next looking to the two of them along with an angel in a robe ???: what is this? he noticed the remnants of the seed its... its all gone... we were too late..

an angel looked to him Soldier: Lord Cordus! the two of them...

He looked to them Cordus: hmm.. I sense.. the energy of the seed is within the girl..

Etias looked at the angels. "You knew about this?"

He closed his eyes Cordus: hm.. your Etias I take it. You Speak to a Holy Bishop. Know your place. The seed was meant to be with us, it however was stolen by a dark winged boy who infiltrated our ranks!

Etias gritted his teeth a bit but nodded. "Yes, sir. I see... That explains what he was doing here... and why he knew so much about it all.."

He looked to him with a bit of a smirk Cordus: you didnt.. happen to help him did you?..

Etias nodded. "Yes, we did, but we were trying to obtain the seed.."

He sighed Cordus: and in doing so you allowed him to touch the holy seed. Your apprentice did as well?

Etias grumbled. "It wasn't intentional.. the seed had been tainted... he  was trying to remove the excess energy and she rushed in to help him before I could stop her, when he was overwhelmed with the light.."

He nodded Cordus: so you admit guilt in this, and now your apprentice has obtained forbidden energy. You are under suspicion Etias, I place you under arrest for confiding and aiding an enemy along with planning to take over the angel lands with demons! he growled surround them! the angels around appeared and held spears toward them you will be taken to the Holy Church where you will be detained, meanwhile, we shall extract the energy from your apprentice, even if it costs her life.

Etias backed away from them, edging towards Mia defensively. "You can't be serious! Are you even listening to what I've been telling you?!" He growled.  "Mia hasn't done a damn thing wrong, she's innocent in all this, you can't fault her for trying to help someone!  She's just a trainee. she won't survive an extraction and you know it!"

He growled and rose his hand sending beams of light toward Etias Cordus: enough! Fighting is useless. This is a matter of the church! I will not allow you to stand in my... our way of peace!

Etias cast out a spiral wheel of fire from himself, sending it out at the spears and a second at Cordus himself, with his other hand. "I won't let you lay a hand on her! This is just what you're after with your own ambition, this has nothing to do with the church!"

the troops evaded the attack and backed away while Cordus placed a shield around himself and growled Cordus: blasted traitors... I shall smite you! he moved to strike but suddenly stopped eh!?... augh... at a time like this?... the four lords of the tree... their calling for all of us.. We cannot fight now.. Retreat! all of you. he vanished in feathers along with the troops.

Etias growled, but let out a sigh of relief. "What timing..." He turned towards Mia, quickly retreating by gripping her shoulder and vanishing in a flash of light with the two of them reappearing at the center so they could report in.

Mia shivered, even as they vanished and she was led over towards the station together with Etias. She fell silent, unsure of what would happen next, looking to Etias in wonder, who was muttering and had a serious gaze on his face.

A woman in half armor walked up to them and stared at both with a calm but serious look.  Layrine : Etias? I see, so then you are the one we were all called about. I am Layrine, one of the four guardians of the great tree. I will need to hear what happened from you before I decide on how to deal with this situation if you do not mind.

Etias stopped, looking at her and falling silent a moment before speaking. "It started off as a routine scouting mission - hence why I thought to take my apprentice along. She's a trainee and could use the experience. We had been hearing rumors of demons appearing near the forest along the border walls, and we were sent to investigate and report our findings. Once out there, we came across a dark wing boy..." His voice trailed off a bit as he went on to explain the rest of what had happened so far.

She nodded Layrine: hm so then it has been fated in some way after all.. It seems the words of the great tree were right.. although we must prepare for that.. now that I have heard this, it is clear to me the church truly intends to rebel against us. I believe it will all make sense soon follow me. she opened a gateway of light and walked in.

Etias stepped through with Mia following suit next.

the group faded into light and reappeared in front of a giant tree in the center of a garden. Layrine kneeled to the tree giving it her blessing then turned to them Layrine: the Chamber of the Great tree lies before you. In front of it, no lies can be spoken, no evil can exist, and fates are decided.

Mia looked to it in wonder but also in question. "But he's told you the truth  already, does he really need to say it again?"

She shook her head Layrine: its not him we need the truth from. Be at ease the others shall join us soon.

soon through a gate of light, Cordus kneeled being escorted by two angels. He growled a bit looking to them then looked to her Cordus: I ask for a reason I was brought before you. I have done nothing wrong.

a light floated from the tree as an angel stood near Layrine ???: you may fool the world Cordus Saint, but with the tree's gaze on you we cannot be fooled.

he blinked Cordus: Lady Yillia! I am not at any fault here. I merely take the gifts the tree gives us, this time however that girl and her heathen master have taken something that is rightfully ours..

before any could speak a woman appeared with a sword ready beside her fellow angels and looked to him ???: speak your words wisely Cordus Saint! The Great Tree can forgive just as easily as it could punish.

Cordus gulped and looked to her Cordus: Luraites! I-I merely means that they colluded with demons to gain power that belongs to the great tree!

She shook her head Luraites: They have done that which the great tree predicted. All is what must be.

Cordus shook his head Cordus: I-I do not understand! I have... the church has served the great tree for thousands of generations with devotion and loyalty and we were given nothing. Our blind faith to the tree was not lost! why must you... why must we be bound and blinded from the graces that others are given?!

A voice echoed a bit through the air.  ???: So then you would betray the very thing you worship for power and gifts that you believe you deserve? Have you forgotten what it means to have faith?

A woman appeared encased in a blue crystal inside the tree with a somber look on her face. Cordus shivered Cordus: Grand Guardian Alliani.. forgive me for saying this! but I... we the church need more.. the demons grow ever stronger and there has not been change in the world of angels for years now.. prophecies we have heard have been...

she shook her head Alliani: they are as they are. We must not let it consume us, however.

Layrine looked at her Layrine: we should stay on the subject at hand. A great seed has been split in two.. a seed that was cultivated for over a thousand years. Unfortunately, it was plucked too early and now the world may be in a danger far worse than either side can understand.

Yillia nodded Yillia: yes.. because of the seeds splitting and corruption, there has now been a shift in power as well as a gate being broken. Demons can now go as they please with this.

Cordus blinked Cordus: wh-what?! is that true?! how?

Luraites growled Luraites: the children of light and dark have gained power earlier than the time they should for one. The seed was also immature.. the time needed to grow is not yet complete.

Alliani nodded Alliani: another five hundred years have not passed. The seed will soon control and consume the two it is in.

Etias spoke up. "What does that even mean? Control and consume in what way?"

Layrine looked at her Layrine: it means.. you will die.. unfortunately, your life will be fed upon by the seed until it germinates too early and you will become a warped being of light.. half of a gateway to an even more dangerous realm.

Yillia nodded Yillia: the same will happen to the other, the demon boy. And once two halves join the gates to the Chaos Aulma will open.. where being of pure evil who hate both light and dark will run free.

Luraites growled Luraites: they will consume the world and leave nothing left.. and when all is done and gone.. the universe will end.

Cordus huffed and gasped Cordus: ..This... this is...

Alliani nodded Alliani: The Prophecy of the World Revealed..'

Etias growled. "This ... There has be something we can do!"

Layrine nodded Layrine: there is, it is alright. We must gather the boy as well and merely return the two halves into one.

Yillia closed her eyes Yillia: the two will fuse into one as soon as they are in the area of the great tree.

Cordus growled Cordus: inconceivable! you wish to bring a demon here!? but if you do.. this holy land will be tainted!

Luraites glared to him Luraites: you have already tainted this land with your sins! more than that you are responsible for this as well. The great seed that fell from the tree, landed in the church's domain. When asked for it to be returned they merely called it a blessing bestowed upon them for their hardships and sent the messenger back!

Yillia nodded Yillia: when we sent another, they began to become hostile and threatened to wound him.

They looked at him as Layrine glared Layrine: you went as far as throwing the seed to the grounds of the demon realm. Your people were corrupted by power. Do you have an explanation?

Cordus shook his head Cordus: I ... I am shocked.. I was unaware of this! the one in charge shall have his wings stripped from him I promise this!

Luraites shook her head Luraites: it has already been done, and they have pointed out that you are the one who ordered this.

Cordus shivered Cordus: I... I am... no I was.. but... the church...

Layrine growled Layrine: enough of your lies Cordus! what you have done is beyond heresy! You will be stripped of your wings and impaled upon the misery pike for a thousand years. Even if you are immortal those years of pain will be your punishment worse than hell itself!

He shivered and shook his head Cordus: I.. I am not.. no you shall not!.. he stood up for if you do... my people will kill the child! do you understand you, foolish angels?!

they blinked a bit. Alliani looked to him Alliani: Cordus?... what have you done?..

He laughed Cordus: it is far too late oh great one... the deal was set.. and even now.. the church and its followers lead demons up to the holy lands..

they blinked and looked in surprise Layrine: wha-what!?

soon the area shook with explosions outside them. Cordus gripped a small dark orb and faded away into the darkness of the area. Layrine snarled Layrine: that conniving evil!.. the entire land is under attack!

Alliani shivered Alliani: I can feel it.. through the great tree... people are being killed.. and... ungh... my body... the tree!... she looked as the tree grew a bit dark around the roots its... it's been.. poisoned..

Luraites moved toward the roots and looked to the others as they did the same healing it slowly but unable to prevent it from spreading bit by bit. Shocked she glared at him.  Luraites: urgh!.. why does it not recede?!

Alliani shook her head Alliani: this poison.. is different from others... with more blood shedding.. the poison grows...

Layrine shook her head Layrine: what can we do? the tree is our life... we must stop them!... but we cannot leave here now.

*Alliani looked to the two of them *Alliani: you two.. please gather the warriors.. call all you can.. healers, and more.. have them form the great barrier and force the others out without killing them. * she then opened a gateway you are the only ones who can do this.. once this is done return to us

Etias nodded and together they entered the gateway quickly.

Outside the gates, they were in the hallways to the main hall. Soldiers had already begun moving to fight the betrayers who wore green armor. fires had broken out all over the area as fights could be heard everywhere. The main general of the group was heard talking in a room to the left not too far from them.

Etias hurried to lead the way toward the room, intending to try talking to the general first.

Soldiers readied blades toward them but were halted by a general in the back. She looked to them Saina: who goes there?! what? She blinked you are spell groups? you must hurry to safety.. there is a rebellion going on.

Etias shook his head and quickly explained their orders to her. "That's the situation..."

she blinked Saina: the Four Holy Guardians have tasked us with a difficult thing to do.. we have already placed Crystal stones in four places surrounding this area however the rebels have taken over all of them.. my men are scattered and we need the help of the Magistra Angela group but they have gone into hiding to protect the civilians. They are the ones who know how to activate the Crystal stones.. The civilian quarters were hit first across the bridge north of this room and they are using their own powers to defend it from attack.. I need more help to do this!


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