Reunion at the Crossroads: Trampled Flowers

Published Aug 13, 2023, 8:10:26 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 13, 2023, 8:10:26 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

Natalie works with Tash to discover more about her past, while Nyamui and Tash's relationship reaches a breaking point. These charecters path's cross at a private greenhouse during the Castimeria Festival.

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Chapter 3: Trampled Flowers

Nyamui stands up, her ferile energy turing into concentrated focous. Tash and Natalie dash out from under the tree. Tash fires a flurry of arrows at Nyamui while Natalie dashes stiraght for her. Nyamui produces a gust of wind to dash straight for Natalie, dodging Tash's arrows in the process. Before Natalie can reaxt to Nyamui's move, Nyamui's hand is on Natalie's chest. Nyamui produces a gust of wind that knocks Natalie backwards. Tash sprints to knock down the launched Natalie before she shatters a variety of pots with her back. Usingthis breif respite together, Tash and Natalie form a plan.

"If I can land a hit on her, her mobility will be gone." Tash says.

"I'll rush her right. Go down her left and make sure she can't predict and dodge her shot." Natalie replies. Natalie and Tash follow through with their plan , rushing Nyamui, who controls air to keep herself nimble , firing wind gusts all the while. Tash dashes off the wall, taking careful aim. Natalie is about to stab Nyamui, but Tash sees the glass that Nyamui is sending at Natalie in a massive wave. With a breath, Tash lets her arrow loose. Nyamui is hit in the leg, the shards coming towards Natalie automatically drop feet away from her back. A panicked Syr rushes towards Nyamui.

"Nyamui! Are you okay?" Nyamui's eyes pop open. Seeing her friend and caregiver who islooking after her condition. Nyamui slaps Syr. Nyamui then pullsout a crumpled up letter from her robes.

"What is this shit?"

"Nyamui I-" Nyamui starts to read the letter before Syr can respond.

" 'Nyamui, I'm sorry but this is goodbye. I thought I was mature enough, strong enough to be on my own, to take care of you. But your experiences the last month have shown you otherwise. I've arranged for a nearby temple for you to stay in. I'll see if my uncle would be willing to take me in. It's been fun, but out adventure ends here.' " By now Tash and Natalie have brought their weapons down to low ready. They're both confused and a bit akward at the drama unfolding in front of them.

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