Grinning prompts: Prompt 106 : this was home.

Published Feb 23, 2024, 1:43:09 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 23, 2024, 1:43:09 PM | Total Chapters 4

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A PG gathering of of weekly prompts for grin 

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Chapter 4: Prompt 106 : this was home.

 106 Draw or write about the magical guild hall room that is occupied by your character. Is it a pocket dimension (22

 Since the guild's move to Kahari, Grin has been living in the Castimeria guild. Finding her door isn't hard in ether guild, both standing out in their own ways. 

  Walking into her unoccupied room, there's the immediate smell of dry earth and old smoke, the dark wood door covered in someone else's magic. Scratches, and scrapes stand out around the brass door knob and the hinges. A dead garden, all that greets guests in the dim, dying room. Trees and bushes still drying up in the large soil patch standing in front of a wall of glass tanks a soft whine of a dry pump cutting the silence of the room, the water long dried up. Dried and stepped on leaves litter the dark wooden floor around the garden.  


Looking ahead, there's a long 6-seat table with a small blood smear over the dark stained pine. Little drawers give depth to the thin top, most are empty, though there is a half hollowed notebook with a morbidly ornamented cigarette lighter in one of the well sanded drawers.


A light flickers to life above a nearly modern electric stove. The illumination painting the faded peach creamsicle couch and mess of multicolored blankets in a solid shadow. A kitchen island behind the well-used furniture, And With the bathroom wall making a square bump, the kitchen looks like a separate room. Walking through the cupboards, and small pantry, it's apparent it's still stalked with some dry goods like sugar and coffee. The dark chocolate stained pine counter top has a coffee machine that's been clearly cared for. But the warmth is gone, the water drained and left empty. 


Behind the plant's corpses, almost hidden from the front door, there's a bed that doesn't seem to have been touched. A formality almost. The bathroom isn't much different from that you'd find in an early 2010 western bathroom, a standing shower, toilet, small storage for towels and a sink. Thought, the mirror is shattered and mostly removed from the medicine cabinet above the sink. Chains lay on the floor around the toilet, cuffs both open on each end. It's clear no one's here anymore. 



Trying grin's other room, there's the smell of a clean running water and green plants mixing with coffee before you even open the plain wooden door. Sweet Mint and English rosemary, currently the dominating plants in the air's smell, all the walls covered in an expanded gravity hydroponic set up glass tanks growing mostly herbs and small climbing plants. In the corners of the room are small plant covered 400 gallon (~1,500 l) ponds, one taking the right and the front wall, the other in the back corner for the left and back wall. Fish and alga snails living in the mostly clear waters among the cabbage roots. The hum of water pumps make a soft background with the constantly running, grumbling water. A smaller reservoir is placed for shelves full of young seedlings, the space feels more like a gardeners hoard than a home. The furniture mostly to the back wall and left the seedlings consuming the floor space to the right.


“ Are you lost ?” a horse gravel laced voice asks.  The room's only occupant stands from her round 4-seat table, closing a drawer she was digging in. the table-top cluttered with bundles of mint and fresh cut rosemary. A box on the floor at the tall woman's feet, it's filled with other plant bundles. A window half open behind her being most of the light in the room at the moment. The screen gently placed on the floor leaning onto a small light cream painted bed stand, welcoming in little bugs and other pollinators. The bed just to the right running across the wall between the window sill and the bathroom door, an unfortunate center from the front door.

 “Not lost?” grin frowns, a little worry clearly working her voice as she starts walking closer. "Someone hurt?" She was a healer and though the guild had many that were better, a weak healer was better than none.
" No? Then what brought you to my door?"


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