Love is like a swarm of bees: Chapter one {the swarm in my heart}

Published Oct 7, 2023, 8:30:32 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 7, 2023, 8:30:32 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Maxs heart swelled the bees are back

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Max Lin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1132
118 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: Chapter one {the swarm in my heart}

.Max gazed at his family with a mixture of emotions - a blend of love and pain that he couldn't quite shake. He was filled with wonder and affection for them, yet there was a sharp pain in his heart, like a swarm of bees relentlessly piercing him. He loved his family - he really did - but every time he saw them hugging or doing things together without him, he felt as though bees had invaded his heart, leaving him feeling empty and alone.


Despite this, when he was with them, everything changed. The pain in his heart was replaced by a soft wind and a gentle whistle. His heart felt at ease, as though all was right in the world. He cherished these moments, surrounded by his loved ones, knowing that they were the most important things in his life. 


Max felt grateful for his family's unwavering love and support, yet he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness when he thought about how much he relied on them. He longed to stand on his own two feet, to be independent, and to not feel like a burden to those he loved. Nonetheless, he knew that they would always be there for him, no matter what.


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