The Adventures of Mikey: Mikey vs. A Slime

Published Dec 4, 2023, 5:33:04 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 4, 2023, 5:33:04 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Mikey the Pumpkin head's journey through different worlds.

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Mikey PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2755
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Chapter 2: Mikey vs. A Slime

[9. The Slime is stronger than you first thought! Draw or write about your character covered in Slime.]

Mikey looked down at the gooey Slime. He'd never seen anything like it. Was it alive? His question was quickly answered when it began to move towards him with a squelching noise. He took a few steps back, it wasn't very fast.

"This should be quick" Mikey said to himself.

He wasn't very experinced in fighting, but this Slime didn't seem to be much of a threat. Mikey made an attempt to simply bury The Slime, but the soil barely moved. He continued to try to get the earth to move, his attention being diverted from The Slime.

Mikey yelped as he felt the green goo on his leg, The Slime had managed to climb halfway up him. He tried to shake it off, to no avail. Mikey pulled the Slime off his leg, throwing it to the ground. The Slime, despite having lost some of it, was still advancing.

Mikey tried once again to bury the Slime in the earth, but only suceeded in moving a bit of soil. He decided to try something else; vines. Mikey, after backing away from the still advancing Slime, tried to pull vines and roots from the ground. Only a few, small roots emerged at first, but after a minute he had managed to get many roots and vines out of the ground. He had successfully trapped The Slime in a cage of roots and vines. He then pulled the roots back into the ground, pulling The Slime down with them.

Mikey jumped as The Slime exploded, spraying green goop everywhere.

"Oh yuck," Mikey spoke, covered in slime. "It's all over me."

He began to wipe the Slime off his clothes, walking away from the gooey mess he had made.

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