A little Hydra's Adventure: Meat Preparation

Chapter 5: Meat Preparation

After arriving home from the long traffic. Hayano immediately fall flat on her bed face down, then roll to one direction to another multiple times. This helps her release some stress. After a few more rolls, Hayano has finally cooled down. She is now thinking what to do now that she already ate the gift she was supposed to gift. This leads to an idea of inviting the monsters at the poisonous swamp here instead and have a party. She jumped of her bed and rushed to the kitchen. Hayano is shocked. There is no feed to be found. She flipped, the table, chair, and wardrobe, but in no luck she found anything worth eating. It looks like she already ate her last piece of meat. Hayano is down and hungry, when suddenly an idea pops up. I think I will invite humans first before we have meat party, she thought.

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