Demon-Hunting Demon: Drowning (Laguna Boss Part 2)

Published May 11, 2024, 5:10:16 PM UTC | Last updated May 11, 2024, 5:10:16 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

A collection of stories about Oliver Dämonio, a (in)famous demon hunter, who also happens to be a demon himself.

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Chapter 5: Drowning (Laguna Boss Part 2)

“So uhm… that was weird.”


Oliver nodded. “Yeah…”

A mermaid had just mistook Oliver for someone else, and had almost killed him. It was rare for Oliver to feel so powerless against an adversary; that mermaid must have been crazy strong.


It took another second for Oliver to realize that his air bubble had popped, and he was running out of air.


Oliver quickly swam upwards to where the portal was located…


…but there was no portal. It had closed


“Welp! You are now royally screwed, Oliver.” Mephisto really was way too cheerful considering he was about to die.


Oliver quickly scrambled and tried to reach the surface. He was already starting to lose consciousness. If he could just make it to the surface, he could look for another portal…. But he was losing strength. Oliver gave up, as he finally lost his consciousness..


“Sorry pal, I don’t really want to die right now.”


Oliver’s eyes opened suddenly, but now they weren’t blue.


They were red.


Mephisto had taken control of Oliver’s body.


Oliver/Mephisto attempted to swim to the surface with newfound strength. As their head broke through the water, Oliver/Mephisto took a huge gasp. In the distance, there was a portal.


“When we get back home, I’m taking a LONG nap.”


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