Unwanted: Nexus' Counterattack

Published Jul 17, 2004, 7:59:39 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 26, 2005, 6:23:44 PM | Total Chapters 18

Story Summary

After the defeat of Nappa's rebellion, Vegeta-sei is left war torn. To ensure peace, Vegeta must ally himself with Bulma, a woman who has vowed her eternal hatred for him. Will passion erupt between these two bitter souls or will a sin from Vegeta's past cause his love to be forever unwanted...

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Chapter 12: Nexus' Counterattack


Chapter 12 - Nexus' Counterattack

If dinner the previous two evenings had been uncomfortable, the feast, which prefaced the celebration, was nothing short of torturous. Vegeta sat as he always did at the head of the table, Bulma claiming the other end as the two remaining sides were lined by the elites he considered his closest comrades. Kakarrot took a seat next to Radditz, who sat next to Bulma, wisely dividing the two.

Surrounding them were tables filled with elites who Vegeta could clearly hear murmuring about the announcement which had grandly been made immediately after his entrance with his wife. The shock and awe that filled the room when it was announced that Kakarrot had humbly decided to grace his people with his presence once again, still had yet to fizzle in potency. Even after following the admittance with the formal declaration of war that he knew his people were anticipating, their minds seemed to care little for the life altering decision in the wake of his precious brother's return.

Most of the comments exchanged consisted of a desire to know more of the details surrounding his miraculous reappearance, but a precious few questioned the state of their king's marriage. Most wondered how he and his brother would handle the exchange of his wife, while others planned for the duel they imagined jealousy would invoke. How disappointed the fools would all be once they learned the latter scenario would never come to pass.

"I hope you are feeling better, my queen," Radditz attempted to break the suffocating silence that engulfed the King's table. "It is certainly good to see you finally depart from your chambers." Two of the soldiers sitting at the table simultaneously choked on their food, causing Radditz's entire expression to go pale. The double meaning his comment produced certainly had not been realized until after he had said it.

"I thank you for your concern; I am feeling quite well this evening," Bulma cleared her throat, embarrassed by the crude insinuation she knew was going through all of their minds. Although, she imagined her humiliation was not nearly comparable to that of Vegeta's. Not that she should feel guilty that her actions these past few days had been misconstrued. It certainly was not her fault, and to be honest it was of great insult to her. She and Vegeta might not have had the most visually pleasant marriage among onlookers, but she would never betray him before they were properly separated. For his years of protection she owed him that much.

"I'm riding out tomorrow," Kakarrot suddenly announced, not looking up from his plate as he did so. He was the only one. "I will return before the offensive is set to begin against Nexus, of that you have my word."

"Leaving?" Bulma startled more than one man at the table with the question. "But you have only been here for a few days. What could pull you away so soon?"

Kakarrot shortly frowned before glancing at his sister-in-law with a look of embarrassment upon his face, "I swore to the villagers who have tended to me that once I returned to my former life, I would keep in touch. I promised to alert them of the situation. They have been terribly concerned for me."

"Oh, I see," Bulma nodded sympathetically before being struck by a wonderful idea. "Perhaps you could bring them back with you. They were the ones that took care of you, and thus made this very celebration possible. It would only make sense that you-"

"I will do no such thing," his response was respectful, yet forceful at the same time, silencing any further comment on the matter.

Bemused expressions were traded between those surrounding the pair as they observed the exchange. It was odd how Kakarrot responded to her question. No, it was suspicious. He seemed to be adamant about hiding something, but what could that possibly be?

Bulma seemed oblivious to Vegeta's observation as she finished her meal, not voicing another word. Vegeta felt his fists clench. When did the woman ever give up a battle so easily?

Never, just like this evening, when for once he had the final word.

Perhaps he had been a bit too harsh with her, but damn it, she had been tactless in insisting upon their divorce! He should not have cared; he knew it was inevitable, but damn it, it annoyed the hell out of him to know she could just ignore what happened between them the night before as if it meant nothing to her. But it did. He knew that as well. Her reaction was too powerful for him to hold any doubt. Yet, she would never confess that.

Six years of experience had taught Vegeta that love would be an imposing obstacle for his wife; she would settle for nothing less from him, which made his behavior all the more irrational. He had no right to be angry, just as he had no right to treat her with such animosity as he had earlier. Parting his lips, Vegeta had every intention of offering something he rarely did, an apology by inviting his wife onto the dance floor so they may privately converse. But eerily, the moment his lips parted, a disruptive force beat him to the punch.

"May I have the first dance, my lady?" Kakarrot's voice was more pleading than flattering. It seemed the Saiya-jin king was not the only man who desired a private conversation with his wife.

Before he had a chance to comment, Bulma's hand was tucked in that of her former fiancé as he guided her onto the dance floor where nearly all of the elites seated at Vegeta's table followed suit as they guided their wives to join in the opening pass. Though under any other monarchy the action may have been taken as odd that the king and queen were not leading the dance, Vegeta's aversion to any form of ceremonial propriety was well known. On the few occasions they did have formal celebrations, Radditz typically joined with Bulma for the opening. But under those circumstances they were two impartial friends. His brother and wife, however, were a very different pairing, one that kept Vegeta's eyes glued to them as they made every movement.

Not a moment after the table had been cleared, Radditz, having lost his traditional partner, took the opportunity of staying behind to move to a seat next to Vegeta, where he could ask the question that had been gnawing at his mind, "Did your brother's reaction seem a little odd to you?"

With a heavy frown, Vegeta leaned back in his chair, tearing his eyes away from the nauseating sight of his brother and wife dancing together only long enough to concur, "Not to mention his reaction when Bulma spoke of the father and daughter pair during our carriage ride the other afternoon. It is very suspicious."

"And very much not like your brother," Radditz remarked with a furrowed brow. "But, then again, he has been gone for two years. That head injury he told me of could possibly have altered his personality slightly. Although, it appears the difference has been lost on Bulma. I can not recall the last time I saw her smile as she did the day he returned." Radditz cleared his throat before returning his gaze to his king, "This must be a joyous time for you as well," Radditz incorrectly reasoned, "You are finally going to get another chance at bachelorhood, relive your glory days and all. You used to be quite the hound in your day after all."

Though the comment was meant in jest between two youthful friends, Vegeta found no amusement in the observation. It was the part of him that was a 'hound' that ensured he would never have the adoration of the woman he married. "I am older now, Radditz, too old to go chasing after women for casual affairs anymore."

"Too old?" Radditz chuckled, "My king, you are barely seven and twenty. If you are too old, then I must be nearing the age of retirement." The comment was a quip, but Vegeta made no recognition of it. His expression remained pensive. "Unless this is not truly about your age; perhaps you have simply become accustomed to having a wife?" Once Radditz saw his king's expression fracture, he knew he had found the right path, "Our queen is a beautiful woman. Strong willed, intelligent, she certainly keeps you on your toes."

"I get the point, Radditz," Vegeta halted his description with a raise of his hand. "And you are right. Aside from Bulma's, let's say colorful disposition, she is among a minority of women that suit me."

"Yes," the elder soldier concurred. "Logically, the two of you are a smart match. But, I was under the impression that our queen desired a love match; and while she-" he chose his words carefully, "respects you, no stronger emotion is shared between you two. I would venture to guess in the long run that would cause her to resent you, after she bears you children and realizes she will never have the chance to experience a sentiment that seems very dear to her."

"You speak as if you know her mind well," Vegeta raised a curious brow.

"Your wife has been isolated for the better part of two years, my king. There are few she has had the option of confiding in. I merely am convenient."

With a deeper scowl, Vegeta regretted the notion that his wife had felt more comfortable confiding in one of his subjects than himself. But what could he have expected after years of tumult between them? He felt his earlier conclusions vindicated. A continued coexistence between them was a mistake. She would only grow to resent him more than she already did.

The music ended, applause followed and Vegeta's eyes found the image of his wife and brother. They bowed respectfully to one another and then joined in applause. They were both smiling, nearly laughing. What the hell had the fool told her? One dance and she completely forgets his suspicious tone, his impromptu plans?

In two years, Vegeta could not recall making her smile like that, laugh like that. His fist clenched. He did not need this. Why was he wasting his time on a woman who did not want him? He was the king; he could have any female he desired. He did not have to grovel for respect or affection! If the damn woman wanted an annulment so she could run off with his half-witted brother who could crack a few jokes and incite her complete and utter devotion then she could have him. The character flaw only served to prove how unworthy she was of him.

"Where are you going, Sire?" Radditz attempted not to raise any attention as he stopped his king right before he could exit.

"I am going to see how long it will take before my new annulment papers are drafted," Vegeta's eyes skimmed back to the dance floor. Seeing his wife and brother commence with a second dance, he felt confident in his endeavor. "Be sure to escort Bulma back to her chambers in my stead. I do not want the two of them tarnishing my reputation any more than they have already."

And with an almost angered sway of his cape, Vegeta disappeared from the hall without any intention of returning.


"All jesting aside, I would like to meet her one day," Bulma placed an honest smile upon her face as she glanced up at the handsome man escorting her back to their dining table for a drink. It had been a long time since she had danced six passes in a row. It was no doubt a faux pas as far as proper etiquette was considered, but it felt too familiar to walk away from.

It reminded her of the days of old, when she had Kakarrot were children. Too young to be allowed at any formal gathering, they would listen to the music and imitate the steps all night long. They were free spirited then, unaffected by war and devastation. She missed those days when the weight of the world did not feel as though it was set upon her shoulders; it had been a nice reminder to have a moment in which it was brought back.

It was also nice to have a moment in which Kakarrot could more privately explain his plans. He had spoken to her of his main caregiver, a woman named Chi-Chi. He described her as a compassionate woman who had single handedly nursed him back to life. He felt he owed her much, and thus it was important to him to alert her of his safety. Bulma understood his kindhearted nature would encourage him to make the trek, so she bid him her approval.

After all, she believed that his absence might afford her the time to solidify her separation with Vegeta. They could quietly complete the arrangements, so once the war commenced; they could be legally separated before its end.

Her marriage would be over.




There was something about the notion of the end of her marriage that made her feel, well, apprehensive. For years she had convinced herself that her only means of happiness would have been with Kakarrot. And when he returned, she thought the dead dream was once more revived.

There was no doubt in her mind that she loved her teddy bear of a friend. He was everything a man should be: honest, compassionate, trusting, affectionate-not to mention tall, dark and handsome-but, something was missing from him, from her, from them. She could not pinpoint what it was exactly, but when she was with Kakarrot they lacked...


Vegeta's voice from the evening before echoed through her mind as if out of nowhere. There was no denying her attraction to her current husband, just as there was no way to convince herself the passion was half as intense with Kakarrot. But that would not change her decision. Kakarrot loved her and she loved him. She would never find that with Vegeta. The annulment, for what little loss it would cost her, would at the same time afford her too much to change her mind.

"Perhaps after the war has settled, and it is safe for her to be introduced. I would not dare to endanger her before then." The honorable response shook Bulma to her senses.

"Of course not," Bulma agreed as her eyes focused on the table she had once been seated at. She immediately noticed her husband was missing.

"Where did Vegeta go?" Kakarrot was the first to question as the pair stopped in front of Radditz.

"He had some pressing business to take care of," Radditz's hesitant expression suggested otherwise.

Separating herself from Kakarrot's escort, Bulma crossed her arms as she glared at the elder Saiya-jin, "Where did he go, Radditz? And do not tell me it was business, I know you too well to doubt when you are covering for him."

After some indecision, the burly man quietly admitted, "It is not my place to say, my queen. But should you like to take the matter up with him personally, I believe you will find him brooding in his chambers."

With a heavy scowl, Bulma turned around with an apologetic expression upon her face, "Kakarrot, if I do not see you again before you set out, I wish you a safe journey." She rose to her tiptoes to plant a quick kiss upon his cheek.

"I thank you," he nodded respectfully, before turning very serious, almost unsettled, "but I would dare to say you are the one who needs the most well wishing for your journey. My brother can be quite the handful when he is in a foul mood, I warn you to be cautious."

Swallowing the odd feeling that arouse in the pit of her stomach as Bulma listened to Kakarrot's peculiar admonition, Bulma simply nodded before departing down the same corridor Vegeta had. Suddenly chilled by Kakarrot's words, she could only hope what she was to find upon arrival at her destination would not be yet another vicious encounter.


"Krillin, no!" Juuhachigou screamed as she watched helplessly as a blade sliced through her husband's chest. Clutching her child in her arms protectively, she shielded his sight as she held him back from risking his own life. She would die before allowing any harm to come to the only love she now had in life.

Sobbing quietly, she tightened her grip as she watched out of the corner of her eye as the beast that heartlessly slaughtered her husband came towards her. Rising to her feet, she sheltered the small boy behind her as she warned, "I will not let you hurt my son."

With a menacing smirk, Nexus eyed the small boy before returning his gaze to the brave woman before him. "I had hoped you would feel that way," he circled her, noticing amusedly as she continued to circle the child behind her so that Nexus could never acquire a full vision of him. "If you wish your son to remain unharmed, then you will do exactly as I say." Swallowing her fear, Juuhachigou followed powerlessly as the burly man guided her to a carriage. "Get in," he ordered of the pair.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Juuhachigou turned to the small boy as she advised, "It is going to be all right, sweetheart. Just do as he says." She helped him raise his short legs to step into the carriage. Once he was inside, she quickly followed, tucking him into a corner where she could bodily protect him. "Now what?" she attempted to sound strong, while every minute she was thinking of her husband's fate and how she and her son may soon share it.

As he reached into his coat pocket, for a moment Juuhachigou feared he was going to pull out a dagger to finish them off. Her horror was momentarily laid at ease as she saw him pull out a quill and piece of parchment.

"What am I to do with that?"

The smirk that had been gracing the cruel man's features the entire afternoon widened exponentially, "You, my lady, with this quill and parchment are going to ensure my victory over the Vegetabatsu once and for all."


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