Unwanted: A Dying Plea

Published Jul 17, 2004, 7:59:39 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 26, 2005, 6:23:44 PM | Total Chapters 18

Story Summary

After the defeat of Nappa's rebellion, Vegeta-sei is left war torn. To ensure peace, Vegeta must ally himself with Bulma, a woman who has vowed her eternal hatred for him. Will passion erupt between these two bitter souls or will a sin from Vegeta's past cause his love to be forever unwanted...

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Chapter 14: A Dying Plea


Chapter 14 - A Dying Plea

"I have been dreaming of this moment for seven years."

The confession echoed through Bulma's mind as she buried her tears in her pillow. What had she done? Reacted thoughtlessly, at what expense? Her husband's pride, respect and honor for her? It had happened to them again. They failed to reach a meeting of the minds as their bodies joined together. Only this time, she was the one at fault, the one who ultimately did the using, the one that ultimately lost control.

"Bulma," liquid welled in his eyes. "I need to hear it. Tell me you no longer hate me for what happened seven years ago. Tell me you forgive me."

Such a simple request that only now, after it was too late, did she realize her error. He was reaching out to her. It was not a mindless coupling, as she had expected. They had made love, and she had taken that precious moment and thrown it away because of a paranoia she had believed herself long over.

His eyes told her. Not only last night, but also the night before when they kissed, the evening after he had found her with Kakarrot and the night they trained together in his private facility. It was not a lack of control for him; it was about a passion that neither has ever experienced with any other.

Bulma knew that, she understood it the moment she chose to lay with him, but all of that knowledge and understanding dissipated the moment she felt her heated core flood with his life-giving essence, a repetition of the moment seven years ago that would ultimately change her life forever.

She snapped.

Times blurred for her and before she could gather a coherent thought, she had lost all control over her emotions. Animosity from the past inundated her and she let loose emotions his absence seven years ago had forced her to bottle inside.

"If you believe nothing else about me, you must know I would take care of my own flesh and blood, seven years ago or today. I would never abandon my child if-" abruptly he broke from his thought. "Is that what you fear?" Retracting his hand from the soft caress he had been indulging her with, he grasped her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes as he demanded, "You fear having my child because it would bind you to me for the rest of your life. You fear it would cost you your future with Kakarrot?"

He had been right, but not for the reason she had cited. In truth she did want him, more than she should have. That was the root of the problem. She had dreamed up a perfect life for herself once they were separated, a life without a man who tore her up inside, swinging her emotions for him back and forth between love and hate-no, not love. She would not call it that. She refused to believe she could fall in love with a man who could never return the sentiment, a man who had once misused her so completely.

But not a second time, not last night; she had no more thought of birth prevention than he. And in all honesty, had he pulled out, if he had the fortitude to control himself after being without a woman for so long-a fact he was unaware she was cognizant of-she would have felt used. What they had shared would have been cheapened. And it was not cheap.

Vegeta was not the boy he was seven years ago. And she was not the same young girl anymore, or at least, so she thought before last night, before she lost control and realized it too late.

"Vegeta, I'm sorry, I-I truly hope you find happiness in your future. But it can't be with me. It just can't."

Her parting words eerily reminded her of Vegeta's halfhearted vow to marry her seven years ago. Just as he had tried in a too-little-too-late gesture to make amends for what he had done, she had no doubt equally managed only to offend her counterpart even more.

"You are not worthy of this ring."

He vowed in anger, just as she had cursed him seven years ago, swearing to never to want to see him again. It was a cruel fate that history had repeated itself on some level. Not to mention a bitter irony that the night she intended to mend their last coupling resulted in yet another emotional scorching.

She should have gone to him, apologized. But she could not. For to apologize would mean to explain her actions and she could not, not now, not until the war was over, not until the object of her secrecy was unilaterally safe.

He was right, she suddenly realized. "What more do you want from me?" she recalled asking amid a passion filled haze. "Nothing I can have." His simplistic answer was right. She could not give him anything. Not now, maybe not ever. Their inability to both physically and emotionally couple on what was to be an ardent last night together was proof enough.

"My Queen." A female voice broke Bulma's train of thought as she felt a soft hand lower onto her back, shaking her from her restless morning musing. Still crumpled in her evening gown from the night before, Bulma had not bothered to change before collapsing on her bed. She had been as physically drained as she was emotionally after her tumultuous interlude with her husband.

She had hoped her suffering would at least garner her the privilege of sleeping past dawn, but it appeared her misfortune was not exclusive to the night prior. Twisting to gaze upon her intruder, Bulma observed a distressed look upon her servant's face. "My apologies, my lady, but a letter was just delivered for you. The message is in a script that you advised me to always bring immediately to your attention."

Pushing herself to sit up on the bed, Bulma accepted the letter. She knew the writing. It was from Juuhachigou. "Thank you, Lena. I would like to read this in private." Bowing respectfully, Lena exited the room. The moment she was alone once again, Bulma ripped open the letter in a mild panic. Juuhachigou was not scheduled to be in touch with her for another two weeks. The timetable had been established for the protection of all involved. If Juuhachigou was writing to Bulma now, it meant something was amiss.

After scanning over the correspondence, the queen's free hand flew to her lips in distress. Pushing herself off of her bed, she ran to her closet. After dressing in riding garb, Bulma quickly pulled her hair back in a loose braid. Grabbing the letter, she sped from her room, and headed for the stables.


"Is something wrong, Sire?" Radditz finally asked. For the last hour he had been discussing various strategies for the opening assault on Nexus. And for the last hour, the only response he had received from his king was either an 'Mmhm' or a stiff nodding of his head. "You seem distracted."

"I'm fine," the harsh growl suggested just the opposite.

Feeling daring, Radditz took a seat next to Vegeta. Crossing his arms, he asked, "What happened when Bulma went to see you last night? Many noticed neither of you returned thereafter."

For some time Vegeta did not respond, causing Radditz to believe his king either did not care or had no desire to answer him. But then an exhausted breath was released, and Vegeta lifted his eyes from the ground to reach over to that of his long time friend. "I took my ring back from her last night. Our marriage is over once the paperwork is complete."

"I am sorry to hear that," Radditz sounded as though he was offering condolences for the death of a loved one. "Truth be told, I always believed the two of you were well suited for one another. I believe it will be saddening to many to see the two of you parted."

Vegeta could officially delete his name from that list. The woman did not want him, and after last night, he sure as hell did not want her.

They had problems, he knew, a past that was tarnished, but he had thought they had worked past all that. He had thought they had reached some kind of accord, but then there was her reaction last night. Where the hell had everything gone so wrong?

All night Vegeta had pondered that very question, but to no avail. The only realization he had come to was that he was missing something. He had seen it in her eyes the night before. She was keeping something from him, something that was stopping her from reaching out to him, something that was potent enough to send her into a panic at the thought of sharing a child with him, being bound to him for the rest of her life. And after much soul searching, Vegeta was certain it was a hell of a lot more complicated than the sudden return of his brother.

What that mysterious factor was, Vegeta did not know, but he suddenly did not care either. He had tried to make her see that they could be passionate together, but she wanted none of it. He had tried and failed. The Saiya-jin King was not a glutton for punishment. He knew when it was time to walk away, and it was time to walk away from his marriage.

"Little can be done about that now, Radditz," Vegeta rose from his chair and walked halfway around the table to gaze down at the map his subject had been marking up for the last hour. "In all honesty, it is probably for the best. I have a war to wage, and one less distraction will only make me a stronger adversary."

"Or weaker in motivation," the suggestion resulted in Radditz receiving a pair of cold eyes glaring in his direction. "How soon will the annulment take place? Will you wait until the battle has clearly turned in our favor or until the war's end?"

"Neither," Vegeta began moving a few of the markers Radditz had set as he casually admitted, "I should have the document within my hands by this afternoon. With any luck, I will be a bachelor by nightfall."

"So soon?" Radditz could not help but question, "Is that wise when the state of the Tomabatsu alliance is so tempestuous? This is the sort of thing that Nexus could find some way to manipulate to his advantage."

"Unlikely," Vegeta continued to fix his stare on his manipulation of the map. "By the time word circulates that our marriage is no more, we will have already forged well into Nexus' territory. Plus, with my brother waiting to step into my boots, Bulma's loyalties will not be questioned."

"Sounds like you have it all figured out," Radditz commented.

He did. Vegeta had all night to select the wisest course of action regarding his wife. After hours of debating, he realized this was his only true choice.

"Highness!" two new male voices caused Vegeta and Radditz to simultaneously glance over towards the entrance. One man had blood dripping down his forehead; the other appeared to have an injury to his leg, which caused him to lean on his partner for support.

"What the hell happened?" Radditz was first to demand as he and the king walked over to the two men.

"We are sorry, Sire," the soldier with the injured leg began to explain, "We tried to stop her, but she was adamant about leaving." His gaze was apologetically fixed on his king, "She pulled her sword on us, cutting Lenox here. Her horse kicked me in the leg. We screamed for her to come back, we tried to advise she take an escort to wherever she was insisting upon going, but she did not listen. She just road off by herself."

Vegeta did not have to ask who the 'she' was. No woman was foolish enough to ride out from the safety of a well-fortified castle, alone, merely days after being abducted except his soon to be former wife. "Have your injuries tended to," Vegeta turned his back to the men and returned to his map. For some moments not one of the three other men in the room moved, utterly baffled by their king's sudden lack of concern for his wife. Noticing their stares, Vegeta twisted his head towards them and bellowed, "You have your orders, now get out!"

The soldiers hobbled out of the room as fast as their injured bodies would carry them. Once alone, Radditz slammed the door behind them, "What was that about?"

"I, in two years, have never understood the rational of my wife. I assure you, I could not even begin to decipher it now."

"I meant why you are not ordering a legion to find her and bring her back?!" Radditz demanded. "While your wife's decisions are not always wise, they are consistently reasoned. If she left, in such a determination that she injured two guards, I worry that whatever prompted her to do so must have been quite serious."

Vegeta disagreed. She was probably throwing another temper tantrum; similar to the one she had the evening prior. In her resolve to get some fresh air, she likely took out her frustration on the poor fools who guarded whatever gate she exited from. There was little doubt in his mind she would be back before nightfall, and would not dare venture outside Vegetabatsu territory. "I have a war to plan, Radditz. I do not have time to go chasing after that imprudent woman because of a sudden whim she is moved by. Now either you can stay here and help me finish these graphs or you can waste your time worrying about the illogical behavior of my foolish wife. The latter, I will not allow you to remain in my presence for."

Another long silence filled the room before the elder warrior evenly spoke up, "She must have truly wounded you last night for you to be acting like this." He paused, expecting a denial. When Radditz did not receive one, he decided, "If it is all the same to you, I will go worry about the illogical behavior of your foolish wife. Because if by some chance she is in danger, you will never forgive yourself for not taking any action to protect the woman you love."

Not a word passed from Vegeta's lips as he heard the door close behind his most loyal of allies. Sinking into a nearby chair, Vegeta suddenly wondered why his voice was paralyzed to raising an objection.


"Juuhachigou?" Bulma called her friend's name as she walked into the dimly lit cottage the woman resided in. Bulma never recalled being as nervous as she was during her hour-long ride to the location. She could think of little else besides the brief explanation that had been inscribed.

My son is ill, come quickly.

And she had, at least she hoped she had. The almost desolate appearance of the room led her to believe she was too late. Reaching a light fixture, Bulma illuminated the room. Hoping to find a note that advised her as to which healer the boy had been taken to, Bulma never succeeded in her pursuit as a strong hand came down over her mouth.

Practically being yanked off her feet, Bulma was slammed against a hard chest. "I thank you for your haste, my dear queen. You made your capture even more efficient than I would have ever dreamed." That voice. She would know it as blisteringly as the sting of hot coals against her flesh.

"What have you done with the people who live here, Nexus?" Bulma demanded as she struggled to break free of his hold. She was infuriated with herself that she had not stopped for a moment to consider she may have been walking into a trap. But the note, how else would a woman in her position have responded than with the utmost haste?

"Do not fear; a full two thirds of them are still living." The confession sent a horrifying chill down her spine.

"You monster!" she screamed before digging her heel into her captor's foot. As he lurched back in pain, Bulma broke from his hold and sped out of the house as fast as her two feet would carry her. Almost the moment she stepped outside, she froze dead in her tracks. A band of no less than a dozen soldiers were surrounding the back exit, two of them holding hostages that Bulma would die before letting them be hurt.

"That," Nexus hissed as he grabbed her from behind once more. Locking his hand painfully around her bicep, he added, "was not very nice." Dragging his newest hostage towards his other two, he stopped Bulma just outside of arms reach from them. "Now, if the brave, but useless, attempts at escape are quite finished, let's get going." Using the hand that was not restraining Bulma, Nexus pulled out his sword and with effortless precision ran the blade right through Juuhachigou's chest.

"NO!" Bulma cried as she caught the bludgeoned woman just before she could hit the ground. Wrapping her arms around her friend's waist, Bulma sunk to the ground with her, willing that she be all right, "Juuhachigou, Juuhachigou, please say something."

The dieing woman's crystal blue eyes opened slowly. Blinking back tears, she made one final plea as she reached out to grasp her lifelong friend's hand, "Take care of our son." Her eyes fell shut and her head twisted to the side.

Collapsing in tears over Juuhachigou's body, Bulma tightened her grasp on her hand, praying that in the afterlife she would know that her request would be fulfilled no matter what it cost her. "I think I am going to be ill," the insensitive remark from the coldhearted bully who had caused this tragedy catapulted Bulma to her feet.

Twisting around, Bulma unleashed a barrage of angry punches against her assailant, "You animal! You malicious coldhearted beast! She did nothing to you! You had me; I would have done anything you wanted! There was no need to kill her!"

Bored with the emotional outburst, Nexus grabbed Bulma's wrists, stopping her brutality as he swiveled her around to come face to face with her motivation for not lashing out at him again. "Correction, my sweet, there is no need to drag around two hostages when he is more than I need." The pair simultaneously looked down at the small blue eyed lavender haired child that was sobbing endlessly as he looked down at the dead body of a woman he had called his mother.

"Please, let him go," Bulma twisted her head to the side, barely looking back to see her subjugator. "I'll do anything, anything you want, just let him go."

A menacing smirk spread across Nexus' lips, "Well, you are right about one thing." He pushed the broken woman down onto her knees, "You will do anything, which includes everything that I want; because if you don't, I will take my fury out on your little bastard of a son there." Removing his hand from Bulma's shoulder, he nodded for the guard who was holding the small child to release him. The boy immediately ran into Bulma's arms.

"Aunt Bulma," he cried her name as he buried his face in her chest, his only safe haven now from all the violence.

Closing her eyes, the frightened queen swallowed her trepidation as she clutched the boy to her as if her life depended on it, because at that moment, it felt as though it did. "It's going to be alright, Trunks," she kissed her son's forehead before glancing icily back at Nexus. With sheer determination lacing her voice, she vowed, "I promise I won't let them hurt you."


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