Lesser of Two Evils: Reprehensible

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 10: Reprehensible

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 10 - Reprehensible

He stands silently, tail twitching in the cool night air.

Radditz stopped speaking about half an hour ago, suddenly alert, sniffing the air intently. Without warning, he rose to his feet, not bothering to dress, and stalked through the damaged entryway. I followed curiously as he headed outside.

He had been true to his word, sleeping for hours, leaving me in captivity, trembling with need. When he finally woke, he didn’t say a word, just smirking at my helpless fury before dragging me out of the chair and throwing me on my stomach on the cold floor. I couldn’t even move as he handled me like a rag doll, ramming his dick deep into my aching body; all I could do was moan at the wonderful agony racing up my spine. When he finally released the coils around my cock and stroked me I practically wept at the painful intensity, shaking helplessly as I came. I was weak, sated, relieved – not resisting as he fucked my limp, still bound body over and over. All I could do was beg and plead uselessly for mercy as he drove into my aching ass, his body a furnace against mine. When I finally came to I found him curled around me, purring, his arms pinning me against his massive body. We stayed like that until nightfall; his teeth scraping my skin as he drowsily licked and tasted me.

I’m not sure what he is doing. He is staring up at the cloud covered night sky as if searching for something. His scent has shifted; his musk so strong it is nearly visible. I spread my senses, but I can sense nothing unusual. I finally can’t stand it any longer and risk a question.

“What are you looking at? Are the other Saiyans coming already?”

He turns his head slowly, as if the movement were difficult, staring right through me as his eyes focus. He swallows hard and has to try twice before he can answer.

“Moon,” he rumbles, his voice sounding distant. “Full moon. Can feel it.”

I glance up, looking at the sky. I don’t know how he knows it is full, but the clouds are glowing with its light. “So?” I remember him mentioning the moon before, but I still don’t know what it signifies.

“Oozaru,” he growls, tail slashing. “Not safe for you.” There’s something odd about his eyes – they seem to be glowing. I’m not sure if the red is a trick of the filtered moonlight. “Leave.”

I shrug, more than willing to get some time alone to search for the final dragonball since there are only a few days remaining. Before I get a chance, the clouds part, revealing the moon, and as Radditz’ ki soars I realize with a thrill of horror I waited too long. He roars, baring suddenly lengthened fangs, and fur begins to grow over his body. I’m stunned to realize he is getting larger, tripling in size in an instant and still growing. I try to retreat, but my escape is prevented by a massive tail snapping around me, pinning my arms.

Radditz begins lumbering down a street, chasing the moon, crushing buildings and vehicles in his path, firing blasts of ki from his mouth. His tail snaps, and I grunt in pain, defenseless to protect myself as he slams me against the rubble. I can hear the terrified screams of the insects below, but I’m in no position to enjoy them. His ki has skyrocketed, the air around him vibrating with overwhelming power. He’s nothing more than a beast now, and I’m not sure if he even knows who he is or what he is doing. The death and destruction he has caused in seconds is astounding – no wonder they believed a child could purge a planet alone. In this form, who could stop them?

“Let me go,” I demand, struggling against the pressure threatening to crush my ribs. I’m not sure he can understand or even hear me, but I can’t give up now. I’m uneasy when he pauses in his rampage, raising me up and turning his blood red eyes towards me.

“Piccolooooo,” he growls, sniffing me noisily. “Fuuuucccck.” He rubs a massive finger over my body, trailing it down over my groin, the calloused skin an agonizing friction against my cock. I bite back a groan, trying to will my growing arousal away. He repeats the action, bruisingly hard this time, and I shudder – just a fraction more pressure and I would be crushed.

“Radditz,” I try again, “Let me go. You can’t fuck me like this…” I scowl. Kill me, yes.

“Fuuuuccccckkkk,” he rumbles again, bringing my trapped body closer to his face. His breath is hot and rank, stinking of flesh and blood. I’m not sure what he is going to do; at this size, I am little more than a snack to the animal. He opens his mouth and I am convinced he is going to eat me; I wonder if I can survive being swallowed the way Son Goku did with me. And then the tip of his tongue touches me, licking away the blood he has drawn, the coarse, wet skin gliding over my legs and groin. I whimper and shudder uncontrollably with aroused fear as the rough flesh passes unerringly over my hardening cock.

Damn it. I hate to waste ki like this, but if I can’t free myself there’s no telling what this beast will do to me. I close my eyes and concentrate, trying to ignore the throaty rumbles of his chuckles as I writhe in his grasp. I begin increasing my size, the process delayed by the tail still crushing me. I flare my ki and he apparently gets the message, the pressure suddenly easing as Radditz rumbles with amusement and loosens his grip.

I manage to double my size before Radditz drops me to the ground, tail thrashing as his red eyes follow my movements. I look up at him, disconcerted by the deep purrs that are making the air vibrate.

“Fuuuuucccckkkkk Piiicccccoooooolllllloo,” he purrs again.

I can’t help but glare. Is that all he thinks I am? Some kind of fuck toy? I tap into my resources, flooding myself with ki, forcing my body still larger. Radditz seems content to watch and wait, tail coiling around his own erection, stroking slowly.

I finally reach full size, nearly as large as he is, but nowhere near the ki he so effortlessly radiates. I feel his energy rolling over my skin, repressing a shiver at the increased intensity.

“Yesssss.” He begins to circle me, his tail touching and teasing me, coiling around my thigh, brushing over my hardening cock, or tracing a path over my stomach. The screaming weaklings are scrambling to get out of his path, but few succeed, the majority being crushed beneath his feet like the insects they are. Their fear fills the air, the aroma combined with Radditz’ attention making my cock ache.

When I try to swat his intrusive tail away, he bares even more teeth and chuckles, the rumble making the buildings still standing vibrate. He knows I can’t defeat him like this, and allows me to resist because I entertain him. I hate that the sound makes my body shudder and that he notices with a purr how hard my cock is.

“Bastard,” I growl, throwing a ball of ki at him. “You don’t get to fuck me anytime you get it into that tiny brain of yours.” We’ve done this before – he comes after me, and I resist, getting beaten bloody before he finally fucks me into sated submission.

He snorts with amusement, snapping a building free to use as a weapon against me. I smirk as I realize weaklings are falling out of the windows to their death as he swings it. “Yessss,” he purrs, gesturing for me to attack him.

I roar a challenge, lunging at him, kicking and punching. He’s so much stronger in this form and I realize with a thrill of horror if he loses control he can destroy me without even trying to.

We exchange blows, heedless of the weaklings below us as we crush structures and vehicles beneath our massive feet. I manage to get a few hits through, drawing blood, much to his enjoyment. Radditz smirks as he licks the blood away from his mouth and purrs louder.

I smirk back, sucking his blood off my knuckles. My cock is throbbing, my body aching from the punishment he has inflicted. The city is burning around us, buildings made rubble, insects crushed beneath our feet. I have never used my ability to increase my size like this before and now I wonder why. The destruction – the fear – the terrified sounds…it’s an aphrodisiac. I know Radditz is going to fuck me, but the question is when he will be tired of playing with me. Somewhere in the back of my mind is terror – with his strength and the size of his dick he could practically split me in half. Even so, I want to know how it feels to be so completely filled, no matter how much agony it might cause.

He is suddenly behind me; the feel of his fur against my skin makes me shudder. I start to pull away, but before I can he captures my wrist, jerking and twisting it behind my back. I gasp in pain when he gives me no time to protest, forcing my wrist high up my back. “Fuuuuccccckkkkk,” Radditz purrs in my ear, his body hot against mine. I groan as I feel his dick pressing against my ass, writhing uselessly as his tail reaches between my legs, coiling around my cock.

He continues to apply pressure and as the muscles and tendons strain and tear I grunt in pain, wondering if I am going to lose another limb to this animal. My arm is forced the last few inches, dislocating and breaking bones and I scream in agony. He chuckles and wrenches it again, twisting and bending it in impossible positions before releasing it to hang uselessly at my side. I’m gulping in mouthfuls of air, trying not to moan in agonized arousal. I’m trapped in his massive fur-covered arms, unable to do anything but writhe in his grasp as his tail begins coiling even tighter around my weeping cock.

He suddenly releases me, shoving me to the ground. I try to catch myself with my still good hand, but it lands on some of the insects, crushing them, making me slip to land on my face. Radditz chuckles again, deliberately stepping on the few that escaped as he moves in front of me. He grabs my antennae and jerks me to my knees as I shriek in agony, my vision fading. I try to free myself but he kicks me in the gut, triggering shuddering spasms as I try to breathe. Radditz’ tail coils around me again, pinning my arms tightly against my sides, grinding broken bones together, the ache making my cock throb. All I can do is whimper at being so totally overwhelmed and helpless before the beast – the agony coursing through my body has taken my vision and strength away.

I feel something pressing into my open mouth and try to recoil at the taste and scent of his musk.

“Suuuuucccckkk,” he purrs, forcing his massive dick into my mouth.

I can only grunt around him, choking and gagging as he keeps me trapped, fucking my mouth painfully. I am at my largest size – I can’t resize to adjust to this. My eyes begin to water as he forces himself in even deeper, beating against the back of my throat. I try to suck and lick him, hoping he will come before choking me to death with his dick. Mercifully, he finishes quickly, roaring as he rams his dick down my throat one last time, filling my mouth with so much come it spills past my damaged lips faster than I can swallow it all.

He steps back and releases me to fall face-down on the ground, gasping for air between pain-filled retches. How can he make me want this so much? “Bastard,” I try to say, but no sound comes from my damaged throat.

I haven’t been given permission to come yet, and I hope he doesn’t take too long. The punishment this form of his can give out is more severe than any I have yet experienced and I’m not sure I can tolerate much more; his abuse is beginning to give me more pain than pleasure. He lumbers behind me, chuckling as he deliberately steps on the fingers of my useless hand, crushing fragile bones under his massive foot. I bite through my lip in concentration as I struggle to control my aching cock: the pain he gives nearly sends me over the edge. I am helpless in his hands; crippled and broken by this beast, desperately needing him to fuck me even though his size and power is too much for me.

One of his rough hands curls around my waist, jerking me from the ground. “Please,” I beg, trying uselessly to speak. Radditz’ breath is hot against the back of my neck, fur sticking to my sweat-soaked skin. He impales me with his dick and I howl in agony as I feel myself ripped apart by his massive size as he begins pumping into me.

He grunts and growls, slamming his dick in impossibly deep, the pain ripping through my body with every powerful stroke. I’ve never been so completely filled before; I swear I can feel his dick ramming against my lungs; it’s difficult to take a breath. It’s all I can do not to come as his monstrous dick practically crushes my sensitive nerves, the constant pressure making my whole body tremble at that agonizing moment before orgasm. My body is humming with the horrific pain, unbearably stretched and bleeding profusely. I whimper – I can’t hold myself back much longer.

Without warning, Radditz pulls out of my body and flips me over on my back. He wraps my legs around his waist and slams his dick back into my aching ass. The change in position and the friction against my leaking cock is too much to bear and I come screaming.

Everything stops.

I feel the heat of his red eyes on me and I tremble in fear. I’m trapped, his hands crushing my hips, his enormous dick fairly vibrating inside of me. He growls angrily, baring his teeth.

“Came…without…permission,” he snarls, pumping savagely with each word. His hand crushes my throat and my traitorous cock jerks. “Warned… you.”

I try uselessly to pull his hand away with my good arm. I can’t breathe at all, and can barely keep control over my ki. If I return to my normal size while he is fucking me, I will die.

“Weakling,” he growls, continuing to thrust in time with his curses, “Useless. Slug.” I can hardly hear him through my panicked fog as his entire body begins to convulse. I quake as the heat of his seed fills me. Radditz jerks out of my body and holds me dangling by my neck in front of him. Part of me is relieved – at least I won’t die with his dick up my ass. I try to look at him, to beg for mercy, but I cannot move. I shiver uncontrollably when his other hand curls around my antenna. I open my mouth to plead with him, but I can’t make a sound.

Radditz roars and rips one of my antennae free; my entire world turns deathly black.


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