Lesser of Two Evils: Vengeful

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 2: Vengeful

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings ā€“ Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning ā€“ Sex, smut, violence. You know ā€“ the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death ā€“ but you might like it. Yaoi ā€“ as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer ā€“ Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary ā€“ The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 2 - Vengeful

I follow him, arriving as Radditz uses his tail to throw the bald runt through the wall. I smirk and catch the Saiyanā€™s eye ā€“ he is the only one who knows Iā€™m here. Son Goku is even more shocked by his strength than I was. I know he can read ki, so this has to be a disturbing experience for him. Good.

I was right ā€“ Son Goku is the ā€˜Kakarottā€™ Radditz is looking for. The big animal is upset at the lack of recognition. His tail tip is flicking with what I interpret as agitation. What ā€“ did he expect some heart-warming family reunion? Heā€™s practically roaring with a mix of anger and frustration.

ā€œWhatā€™s happened to you? Kakarott! Tell me, did you ever suffer a serious injury to the head when you were young?ā€

I practically snort with laughter ā€“ Son Goku ā€“ brain-damaged idiot. He might be able to fight, but he is still a fool. He and his weak friends demand to know who Radditz is and why he is here. I can tell Radditz loves to the sound of his own voice, because he actually wastes time telling them what they want to know.

ā€œWell, I wasnā€™t expecting Iā€™d have to give a history lesson when I came here today. But all right, Iā€™ll tell you everything. After all, you are going to be working for me from now on and I do like my subordinates to be well informed,ā€ Radditz says, his arrogance practically seeping from his skin.

I smirk as I drift back, concealing myself, but still close enough to see and hear them. Radditz may not see me as a threat ā€“ yet ā€“ but if I learn more about him and his mission, I might find a weakness.

The monk pulls himself from the rubble of wall he went through, unfortunately still alive. He warns Son to be careful because Radditz isnā€™t normal. I shake my head. What a moron. That was more than obvious from his ki.

ā€œBelieve me, I knowā€¦ā€ Goku says. ā€œI could sense that from the minute he landed. Even now, standing here talking to him like this, something about him turns my stomach.ā€

I laugh to myself ā€“ thatā€™s exactly how I feel about him.

ā€œSuch harsh words,ā€ Radditz chuckles, ā€œYouā€™re more like me than you realize. You were born on the planet Vegeta. You are a space fighter, a Saiyan warrior, just like me. Allow me to introduce myself. Iā€™m Radditz, your big brother.ā€

I swear the arrogant bastard waited to make that announcement, because as he finished a cloud passes overhead, throwing them in shadow. The only thing missing is lightning striking the ground at their feet. Their reactions are great ā€“ shock and horror as they demand to know why they should believe him and why Goku is on Earth.

Iā€™m starting to get addicted to Radditzā€™ chuckles. He gets so much menace and evil into such a deceptively simple sound. ā€œWe sent him here. Kakarott was given specific orders to clear this world of its current inhabitants, a mission that he has failed miserably. Saiyans work with planet brokers. They scour space for worlds that will bring a high price on the galactic market. Once they find them, we send our warriors there to purge them of any life and make them ready for sale. Itā€™s a very, very profitable business. We take great pride at being efficient in our work. For example, if we are assigned a planet with strong inhabitants, we send a team of our adult fighters to wipe them out. But for planets full of weaklings like this, one of our babies is generally sufficient to carry out the order.ā€

Fabulous - a slap in the face of that ridiculous Son Goku and his friends. I grin.

ā€œKakarott, youā€™re a disgrace! You could have easily wiped out every living thing on this planet by yourself. If you hadnā€™t forgotten your orders, it would only have taken you a year or two at most. Especially considering this planet has a nice, big moon.ā€

I raise my eye ridges ā€“ there is the mention of the moon again. I wonder why. As I continue to listen, I realize there is some link between Saiyan tails and the moon. Even more interesting is Radditzā€™ reaction as he realizes Sonā€™s tail is gone.

ā€œDo you have any idea what youā€™ve done? Your true power is gone now! Without your tail, youā€™ve lost your ability to transform at the full moon! Now I see how you can be on good terms with these weaklings.ā€

Goku is as stubborn as I anticipated. I did try to warn Radditz, but he didnā€™t listen. ā€œThis is my home! These are my friends! It doesnā€™t matter what you say I am! You donā€™t act like any brother Iā€™d want to have. My name is Goku and I live here! Now leave us alone!ā€

Radditz begins walking around and I am suddenly reminded of a hunter stalking prey. Iā€™m getting better at interpreting his tailā€™s movements, and from the way it is snapping I can tell he is angry.

ā€œSo baby brother wants to be left alone,ā€ he growls. ā€œWell itā€™s a pity thatā€™s not going to happen. No, at this point Iā€™m afraid youā€™re far too valuable to us for that. You see, our home planet Vegeta met with an unfortunate accident when a huge comet slammed into its surface. The planet was vaporized and the Saiyan race destroyed. Thereā€™s not too many of us left now, brother. In factā€¦ As far as we can tell there are only four including you.ā€

Thatā€™s interesting ā€“ and tells me a lot of his arrogant behavior is an act. It also lets me know there isnā€™t much chance of reinforcements arriving to help him once I turn the tables on the animal.

ā€œWe were the only Saiyans away from home when the planet exploded. Like you, we had been sent to perform a few hostile takeovers. Now thereā€™s another world weā€™ve been sent to conquer; it should bring in a very high price. But unfortunately, the jobā€™s a little too big for only three of us to handle in the time allotted. Then I remembered you, Kakarott. Youā€™re not as powerful as I might have hoped, but still, with your help we should manage nicely.ā€

I nod to myself. Thereā€™s a possibility. I might be able to buy myself time by letting him think I want to join him. After all, Son Goku and I are similar in strength ā€“ and there is no way the big clown will cooperate with his older brother. I smirk when Radditz invades Gokuā€™s personal space, towering over him, making him retreat. I really admire some things about this animal.

ā€œWell now, what do you think?ā€ Radditz asks. ā€œAre you excited? You should be. Iā€™ve come to take you back into the fold.ā€

Goku tries to reestablish his stance, but Iā€™ve seen him waver ā€“ and so has Radditz. Son Goku has lost a battle he didnā€™t even know he was fighting until it was too late. ā€œIā€™ve heard enough! Iā€™d die before Iā€™d join a gang of pirates like you!ā€

Die then, I hiss under my breath. Iā€™d prefer for Son Goku to die at my hands, but being killed by his brother would be almost as good ā€“ as long as I got to watch.

Radditzā€™ attention is suddenly drawn to a little brat cowering behind the woman. I take a closer look at the little creature ā€“ and scowl when I see a tail. Another one of these animals? Do they do nothing but breed? Son Goku seems protective of the creature, but when he says the thingā€™s name, I nearly scream in rage. Gohan?! He named the brat Gohan! Rice! He knows how I feel about that word ā€“ he must. After all, my sire was trapped for ages in a rice cooker. This is just another way to rub in his victory. I swear yet again ā€“ Son Goku will die.

ā€œI see the fire in your eyes brother. You should come with us! Itā€™s in your blood. You love to fight.ā€ Radditz steps forward and I am sure he is going to attack. I wonder for a moment if he is planning to fuck Son Goku as well. Part of me hopes he does, just so I can hear the fool screaming in helpless agony. Another part hopes he does not ā€“ there is something strangely influential about Goku and I donā€™t want him to have the opportunity to use his talent on Radditz. I was right - Radditz moves so quickly Goku canā€™t see him or block him, kneeing him in the gut. All it takes is one blow from the huge Saiyan to leave Goku gasping for breath, made helpless by crippling pain.

Radditz scoops up Son Gokuā€™s little animal, somehow able to ignore the piercingly painful cries. I wish he would kill the thing now, but apparently, that isnā€™t his plan. He intends to use the sobbing thing as blackmail to keep him away. Heā€™s misinterpreted Gokuā€™s motives again ā€“ the brat has become bait to draw the fool in.

ā€œLike I said, Iā€™m taking your son. If you ever want to see him alive again, I suggest you listen closely. Iā€™ll give you one day to think about my offer. Letā€™s be realistic, though; Iā€™m really not giving you a choice. So, when you finally accept who you are and decide to join usā€¦ and you willā€¦ thereā€™s something I want you to do. Prove to me you mean it. You can start by eliminating one hundred of these pathetic earthlings. Just stack them here on the beach when youā€™re done. Iā€™ll be back tomorrow for a head count. So what do you say, Kakarott? I do hope youā€™ll come through for me on this one. After all, heā€™s my nephew. It would be a shame if I had to hurt him.ā€

ā€œThis wonā€™t do you any good!ā€ Roshi insists. Heā€™s another one I look forward to destroying when I rule this planet. ā€œGoku isnā€™t capable of killing anyone.ā€ I almost laugh ā€“ he isnā€™t capable of killing anyone ā€“ except for members of the Red Ribbon Army, and my sire, and probably quite a few moreā€¦but I guess heā€™s conveniently forgotten about them.

ā€œQuiet, old man! Kakarott is a Saiyan. I think youā€™ll be very surprised at what heā€™s capable of doing! Of course, it makes little difference either way. Every living thing on this planet will be eliminated soon. After weā€™ve finished our current job, Iā€™ve decided the Earth will be our next target. Even without Kakarott, three Saiyans should be more than enough for the job. We could conquer this puny planet in our sleep. So you see, brother, whether you kill one hundred earthlings now or not, in the end the result is the same.ā€

Some hero. Son Goku is a helpless, pain-filled animal right now. He dares to reach out and grab his brotherā€™s ankle, begging for mercy for his son. ā€œLeave Gohan out of this.ā€

ā€œI wish I could, Kakarott. But you understand. I need to give you a little extra incentive to do as Iā€™ve asked.ā€

ā€œPlease. Let him go.ā€

Radditz kicks his hand away, much to my amusement. ā€œJust look at how pathetic you are. Please brother, show some pride. You have until tomorrow. Try to enjoy it.ā€

Radditz flies straight up, the crying brat tucked under his arm. I watch him go, grinning as his tail flutters behind him like a flag. This scene is a moment I will treasure. Son Goku made helpless with one blow. I consider taking advantage of his weakness and kill him right now, but I suspect that would only anger Radditz. He still seems to believe Goku will change his mind. I have a better game to play now ā€“ one that will get the big animal to trust me. And if I handle it right, it will get rid of Son Goku permanently.

My attention is drawn back to the weaklings surrounding Son Goku. They are trying to talk him out of going after Radditz since the big animal is so much stronger than any of them.

I shake my head as they continue babbling. From the sounds of it, they are discussing going on a suicide mission to rescue the brat. My dragonballs ā€“ my birthright ā€“ arenā€™t going to be any use to them this time.

ā€œWell, I say we go right now and attack him head on! Thatā€™s the one thing heā€™d never expect. It might give us an edge, and we need everything we can get.ā€ Goku seems very willing to risk the lives of his friends.

ā€œBut how are we going to find him?ā€ Yes Goku, I wonder, how are you planning to find him? While I can sense Radditz, Iā€™m not sure where he is right now. Maybe Radditzā€™ scouter can pinpoint the exact location of someoneā€™s ki, but at this distance it would take some time using just ordinary senses.

ā€œI donā€™t know! I havenā€™t figured that part out yet.ā€

ā€œWait! I know! Gohan had a dragonball on his hat, didnā€™t he? So we can use the Dragon radar!ā€ The woman suddenly pulls a device from her bag and presses some buttons. ā€œLook! You see? Thatā€™s them there! Man, thatā€™s fast!ā€

Iā€™m surprised to see the device. I know the creatures that rescued my sire had a large device to locate the dragonballs, but he destroyed it soon after getting his wish and destroying the dragon. I should have known they had designed a portable method ā€“ this group seems to treat them as their own private property. I want that device. I want those dragonballs.

They are about to use it to track down Radditz and I see my chance. I quickly rise overhead, staring down at the weaklings. ā€œYouā€™ll never succeed. Youā€™re too weak!ā€ The horror on their faces is intoxicating. They havenā€™t forgotten; years later, they are still afraid of me.

I land, ignoring their protests. Iā€™m going to deliver this fool to Radditz ā€“ a gift. I promised him a fight, and he will get one ā€“ if we get lucky, the big animalā€™s death will be a bonus. ā€œThe only chance we have of winning is if I go with you. I know weā€™re enemies, but hear me out! Youā€™ve seen how powerful he is. Which means, you know as well as I do, neither of us have the strength to stand up to him alone. Weā€™d be dead before the fight started. Howeverā€¦If we team up, there is a slight possibility we can overpower him. Itā€™s the only way. Agreed?ā€

Goku is wary ā€“ rightly so. Iā€™m sure he realizes I will kill him at the first possible opportunity. ā€œI donā€™t know. Why should I trust you? How do I know you wonā€™t turn on me?ā€

I almost laugh. ā€œThe truth is, you donā€™t. I wonā€™t lie to you. My reasons for doing this are purely selfish. I could care less what happens to your son.ā€ I frown. Thereā€™s no point in lying since the truth will accomplish my goal with less effort. ā€œBut I wonā€™t let this creature take over the earth. I plan to do that myself! If we team up, as much as the idea sickens me, Iā€™m willing to put our differences aside. But as far as Iā€™m concerned, this truce is only temporary. The next time we meet, it will be as enemies, same as always.ā€

ā€œAnd when that time comes, I promise Iā€™ll do everything in my power to stop you from taking over the world.ā€ Goku actually believes he will be alive to stop me. ā€œBut until thenā€¦ It looks like weā€™re a team. Youā€™ve got a deal.ā€

Son Goku retrieves the radar from the woman before jumping on some absurd cloud. I watch closely as he takes a reading; I need to know how to work the device. ā€œHey Piccolo! Think youā€™ll be able to keep up with the Flying Nimbus?ā€

I growl, barely resisting the urge to punch him to the ground. How dare he insult me like that? ā€œIā€™ll be embarrassed if you can keep up with me on that silly little toy.ā€


We soon arrive, that device taking us directly to Radditz. He apparently hadnā€™t bothered to remove the bratā€™s ridiculous hat ā€“ the dragonball on it served as a beacon. Iā€™m slightly behind Son Goku, using my position to catch Radditzā€™ eye, cocking my head to signal my delivery of his brother. The animal seems amused at Son Gokuā€™s ā€˜dramaticā€™ landing, flicking his tail at me ā€“ all I can do is smirk and shake my head.

Radditz nonchalantly continues to eat the fruit he is holding, totally unconcerned about his brotherā€™s arrival. ā€œWell, well, well. Look whoā€™s decided to drop in. Itā€™s little brother. Oh, and heā€™s brought the green man with him. I was wondering who that second insignificant blip on my scouter might be.ā€

I scowl at the bastard; someday I will make him pay for that remark. His attitude makes it easier to slip into my role.

ā€œI confess, I didnā€™t expect it to be you. What a pleasant surprise. I have to hand it to you, brother. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d see you until tomorrow. Youā€™re a little more resourceful than I thought. And more foolish.ā€

I grin. He has no idea how foolish his brother really is.

ā€œHave it your way, Kakarott. I didnā€™t come here to kill you. But it seems you leave me no choice. Itā€™s too bad little brother! I do think you wouldā€™ve found the life of a Saiyan to be quite invigorating!ā€

I resist the urge to cheer Radditz on. It seems Goku has developed yet another enemy ā€“ and this time he has found one so overwhelmingly strong fighting is almost useless. I wonder if Radditz is going to kill his brother right away, but then the animal catches my eye, reminding me of my promise. A fight. I promised the animal a fight.

Goku seems surprised when I removed my turban and cape.

ā€œAlright! Iā€™ve heard enough talk! You know why weā€™re here! So letā€™s get on with it.ā€ Radditz doesnā€™t react when I challenge him ā€“ as far as he is concerned, no one can touch him.

ā€œHuh? Piccolo! I had no idea you trained with weighted clothing too,ā€ Goku says.

ā€œWhat? Thought you were the only one?ā€

Radditz chuckles, ā€œOh my ā€“ all the way up to 400.ā€

Goku begins to undress, removing his shirt, boots, and wristbands, announcing their weight. ā€œThereā€™s thirty pounds, and hereā€™s fifty, and another fifty! ā€¦and two little fivers. That ought to do it Piccolo, unless you can think of something else.ā€

Moron. ā€œWhat am I, your tailor?ā€

I hear the scouter chirp as Radditz checks Gokuā€™s reading. He seems bored, but throws fruit he has been eating aside. He frowns, annoyed. ā€œDo you two really think thatā€™s going to make a difference? Fools! Who do you think I am? A few weights arenā€™t going to affect the outcome of this fight. Iā€™m still ten times stronger than you are!ā€

ā€œThat may be true!ā€ Goku says, ā€œBut strength isnā€™t the only thing that matters. Not when you can outsmart your opponent.ā€ Itā€™s all I can do not to laugh. Goku? Outsmart? In the same sentence?

ā€œYou really donā€™t have a clue, do you brother? You know what? I think Iā€™ve decided I donā€™t want you to join us anymore. A fool like you would only slow us down.ā€ I can feel Goku tensing beside me as Radditz begins to build up ki in his hand. ā€œPrepare to die!ā€

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