memories make the man: 8

Published May 23, 2006, 9:33:58 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 27, 2006, 6:02:03 PM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

complete. After a strange attack, Vegeta goes missing. after a week he is found with no memory and an undetechable ki. will Vegeta ever remember who he is? can they teach him how he used to be? or is the Vegeta they know gone forever?

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Chapter 8: 8

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Piccolo woke up with a splitting headache. Before his nap he found the creature and flew up to stop it. The creature used some kind of sound attack and his Namekic ears couldn’t take it. He blacked out in the spot he was now. He noticed that his mind felt . . . invaded. Like there was a free tour ride inside his skull. Placing his hands under him, he was determined to stand. He stood with balance that was to be desired, but he tried to think why the creature did that to him.

He’s eyes went wide and he knew why the creature went to his mind. It wanted Vegeta and he knew where he was. Looking up to where Marron’s room was located he Flew inside the one open window. He saw no sign of trouble and no sign of Vegeta. The book Marron give Vegeta that day was on the floor by the bed and Marron was sound asleep under the covers. He moved out the door feeling out the boys’ kis.

Reaching the boy’s room he saw they were asleep too. He grabbed the covers and yelled at them.

“Get up! Vegeta is missing.” Trunks rubbed his eyes.


“The creature was here. It read my mind. No doubt it took Vegeta.” Goten woke up all the way followed by Trunks.

“We got to find him! Piccolo, we have too!” Like the time he was training them for Majin Buu. The emotions they loved to display unnerved him. It made him feel warm and squishy inside. He didn’t like it much.

“Stop that! If we are to find him. We need to get the others.”

“What about Marron?”

“Mrs. Briefs can watch her.”

“She’s not here.” Piccolo turned around as Trunks continued. “She went down to this club since the others where gone and two others were here.” Piccolo cursed the timing of all things.

“Fine. If it’s not one thing, it’s another! We are taking her with us.”

“To a battlefield?” Trunks didn’t like the sound of that one bit. “Won’t we get in trouble for that? We’re not suppose to go half the time and we have ki.”

“Bulma can babysit when we find her. She’s not going to be fighting. Grab Marron and let’s go. Now children!”


Bulma was typing on her computer inside the cockpit. The alarm went off minutes ago. The outside security system was down but the inside one when off as it detected a stranger entering Capsule Corp. This wasn’t good. The log showed the stranger was in and out in minutes. And she couldn’t contact Capsule Corp. for anything. Not caring about the creature or whatever else, she headed back to the Capsule Corp. at full speed.


Trunks carried the sleeping Marron on his back. She was awake moments ago but being past her bedtime made it too hard to stay awake. She kept either groping him or wiggling on his back though. Piccolo felt Bulma’s small ki closing in fast. He stopped and Goten ran into him. Piccolo didn’t notice that as he was waiting for Bulma to come to them.

Bulma saw a green and white thing in the dark sky. She knew that was Piccolo. He was the responsible one, there had to be a reason he was out. Her heart contracted again like when Vegeta blew himself up to stop Buu. She hit the brakes as she got to them. Opening the hatch to the cockpit he waited until all three flew up to her.

“Vegeta is gone, isn’t he?” Piccolo nodded. He felt almost sick that the creature defeated him so easily. “The creature?”

“He attacked me by using a sound attack on me. When I woke up, it and Vegeta were gone.”

“The internal alarm system went off. An intruder came in for only a few minutes before leaving. But, why didn’t it just kill Vegeta if it wanted revenge? What is the point in taking him somewhere?” Piccolo looked away.

“I don’t know.” Piccolo turned back to her. “Take Marron and go back to Capsule Corp. It will be safe now it has what it wants.” Trunks put Marron in his Mother’s lap. Without complain or a word she closed the cockpit and sped off going back home. Trunks watched the ship disappear into the dark night.

“She was crying or about to start.”

“It doesn’t matter. We need to meet up with the others.”


Tried eyes opened, regretting it when they did. Forcing them to remain open, he looked around seeing a mountain area. It was like his dream but darker than his mind remembered. Then again his mind remembered only the afternoon time of this place.

“Good. You have awakened.” The graveled voice came from in front of him. Vegeta’s eyes adjusted to the dark quickly and saw the creature he saw once before in his memory but different, bigger.

“Did . . . do I . . . know you?”

“No. But you knew my brother.”

“Oh. I didn’t know Piccolo had a brother.”

“What?” Vegeta thought about it for a moment.

“No? Um . . . Brother Tien?”

“Who? What?” The creature stared in all kinds of confusion.

“Um . . . Oh I know! Yamcha’s adopted brother right? I didn’t even know he had a broth . . . ” Vegeta was cut off by a clawed hand crushing his windpipe.

“No! My brother is dead! You killed him!” He let go and Vegeta fell to the ground coughing violently. “What I don’t understand is, how a weakling like you did it.” Vegeta stopped breathing as flashes were going across him mind.

––– ---- Air was being choked from his lungs as he was being held from an icy hand against an unforgiving wall. Cruel eyes drinking in the pain he was inflicting. Before the darkness came the lizard let go, letting precious air into his body again.

“I know of your plan to kill me. I am not surprised. Saiyans fight against everything. You’re the strongest, Vegeta. But you are still just a weakling to me.” Vegeta winced as a three-toed foot hit him in the stomach. “But you amuse me. Your list of planets for the week.” A scroll was dropped by his one hand. “Don’t disappoint me. You’re dismissed.” ––— ----

The flashes stopped but the images left him with more questions than answers. He was slowing coming to himself and he felt the creature’s hand of his head.

“Your memories. They only good back a week and a half your time with flashes of things before that. Why?” Vegeta slowly stood up and the creature did too.

“Because. . . . That is all I remember.” The creature was confused and Vegeta started to clarify. “I had a mishap. I was injured and was found by a village before the others found me. They fly around, shoot what they call ki blasts and things like that. They protect earth like it was their job. We get attacked a lot from what they told me for the last few days.”

“You killed my brother. Our kind are psychically linked. I saw you as clear as day taking my brother’s head with this golden flat circle.” Flashes of what he saw earlier that day flashed inside his head. He could feel the string of the attack burning into his palm. He peeled off his glove seeing no injury. It remained healed but it was hurting like it the still there. He never saw the injury or felt the pain of it himself but he could sure feel it now.

Slowly the pain was going away. Things he didn’t understand what was going through his head. Words and names were floating around without purpose inside his head.

“Destructo disk.”


“The attack. He calls it destructo disk. I don’t know why. I remember him yelling out the attack as he threw it.”

“You remember now?”

“Kind of. It’s like I saw a movie years ago and trying to remember a certain part of it. He was smaller and there was a snarl on his face. I think I do remember. I did kill him.” Vegeta stood up with his body feeling like lead. “You want revenge. I can understand that. So. Go ahead. Take my head like I did your brother’s.”

“Aren’t you afraid?” The creature walked closer by a step. “You wish to die maybe?” Vegetal’s head went down to hide his eyes.

“Yes. I’m terrified really. Of myself, you, and everyone else for reasons I can’t explain. As for wanting to die. No. I don’t. But . . .” Vegeta looked at him with eyes clear as pure water. “If my death gives you any kind of closure, heals the pain you feel a just might, or even satisfies your lust for revenge even in the littlest amount.” He smiled lightly. “Then my death will not be for nothing. It will have a purpose. I can deal with that.” The creature raised it’s hand with clawed hand posed for the kill. Vegeta didn’t move away.

“My name is Kioikoiz. Brother of Violoiz. You should know that before you die.”

“Nice to meet you.” That stunned Kioikoiz for the slightest moment before recovering.

“Stop that and shut up!” Vegeta didn’t even blink went the claws came down.


Piccolo was flying but he felt it was hopeless. They could be anywhere. Heil included as Vegetal had no chance of fighting and winning against the creature if it was anything like the other one. Without his ki being useable, Vegetal was a sitting duck. Maybe . . . maybe if Vegeta was smart enough, he could get himself out of it somehow. But then again talking wouldn’t do any good right now and that was all Vegeta could probably do right now.

He heard a yell of anger that didn’t sound right. Didn’t sound . . . human. Raising his ki higher, he flew to where the sound was coming from. Goku appeared to his side with the others who were still hands in hands as they transported.

“Piccolo?” No question needed to be asked.

“Inhuman yell and a gut feeling.”

“That’s enough for me.”


Vegeta stared with on blinking eyes as one of his hairs was floating down to the ground and one small trickled down his forehead. The hand stopped before it cracked his skull. The creature named Kioikoiz hesitated. Vegetal was grateful but confused. The creature seemed to have a suddenly attack of conscience. Like his winged assassin couldn’t kill him even for revenge, even if he was going to let him do it.

He watched Kioikoiz’s eyes as shame and anger flashed across them. He opened his mouth and let out a scream of pure mental pain. Vegeta watched him fall to his scale covered knees. The sound after that sounded like it was laughing. An insane laughter. Walking closer Vegeta could hear him mumbling to himself.

“I can’t do it. I can’t. Can’t believe this. He practically put the knife in his own chest and I couldn’t push it the rest of the way in. Some brother I am. I can’t kill the willing humanoid.” Conflicting emotions were going across Vegeta’s mind. Part of him wanted to pat him on the shoulders to tell him it was alright and the other noticed his complete lack of awareness and the perfect position he was in to snap his neck clean off his shoulders.

Pushing that one crazy thought of his mind he stepped closer. He didn’t know what to do. His confusion was at a long time high. It was nothing like he was feeling since they brought him to the huge building called Capsule corporation. Ignoring that he pressed on not knowing what else to do.

“Um . . . Is . . . there anything I can do?”

“Can you bring my brother back?”

“I . . . I don’t think so.”

“It wasn’t his fault, you know? He had a brain disease that caused him to go aggressive and animal like in nature. To attack, to retreat. He was on his way to a clinic on the other side the galaxy. They could treat him and maybe, after some time. Maybe cure him too.” Yellow streaks were dripping down off his horns and fell to the ground. It was eating away the rocky ground leaving smoking holes. Vegeta made a mental note not to touch or let the liquid touch him.

“We couldn’t have known that. He was killing people and destroying property. Like the others before that did when they came down.”

“I know.” He stood to his full height. “I also know that you have an evil side right inside you heart. I can feel it but it is buried deep inside yourself. And not because of your lack of memories either. You are a warrior. Not a killer. Not a killer anymore I should say.”

“How could you know any of this? I don’t know any of this!” Vegeta didn’t like the sound of being a warrior now or then. A killer even less. Was that all his life was about? Hurting others or worse yet killing them. Vegeta tried to calm down. This wasn’t the time to get angry. “So what now?”

“I can’t kill you. You wanted to stop that ‘monster’ that was attacking you and the others. Killing you won’t stop the pain or bring him back to me.”

Vegeta looked up and his eyes widened as he saw the color green next to other figures in the sky. He was surprised that he could see the faces. They were angry and battle ready. They didn’t want a repeat of the damage his sibling done a week and a half before. He watched as Goku turned a bright gold as he screamed in the air.

“That can’t be good.” Vegeta was sure he agreed with him. Goku come down with blinding speed as he was going to strike the monster down. Vegeta saw it all in slow motion almost. There was a huge mistake made here and there was going to be a bigger made if Goku connected. With speed he knew was inhuman he pushed Kioikoiz out of way.

Goku’s eyes widened as his fist went through Vegeta’s chest instead of creature’s. Goku pulled his fist out of his chest with a sick wet withdraw. Goku’s fist luckily didn’t go all the way through but with Vegeta in such a kiless state, it didn’t make a difference in the damage. Vegeta fall backwards but Goku caught him before then.

“Vegeta?” Goku shook him lightly trying to wake him up. Vegeta was far too gone to be awaken like that. Anger flashed even more as he believed the creature pushed the defenseless Vegeta in the way his attack. With anger similar to the time Cell destroyed the army that come for him, he lunged at scaled one.

Piccolo picked up Vegeta with the others gathering around to see the damage. Eighteen and Krillen nodded to each other and jumped in to stop this creature. Tein and Choaisue and Gohan as well joining Goku too. That let Piccolo, Trunks and Goten to get Vegeta help. This was a first ever but then again this was a usual experience.

“Piccolo.” Vegeta seemed to awaken for the moment. Through sheer will alone Vegeta fought back of unconsciousness. “You got to stop them. It’s all a mistake. The creature only wanted to advantage his brother. His brother had an illness that made him go crazy. He doesn’t want revenge anymore.” Piccolo looked up at the speed battle going on.

“You sure?”

“I wouldn’t have pushed him out of the way if I wasn’t.” Vegeta barely breathed out as he went back into the darkness. Piccolo put Vegeta down telling the boys to stay with him and flew after Goku. It seemed with the help of the others they cut off it’s retreat and pinned the creature down in a valley of the mountain area.


Goku hand connected with the creature’s jaw. It landed hard making a model of his body. He couldn’t move and the end looked near.

“You monster. How dare you do that to him?!” Goku raised his hand. “You won’t hurt anymore else. I will make this quick.” Piccolo rushed through and stopped in front of Goku’s attack. “Piccolo, what are you doing?! Get out of the way!”

“Stop Goku. Vegeta pushed him out of the way of your attack. He didn’t pull Vegeta into it.”

“What?” His hand went down only slightly, but was still able to attack if the creature so much as sneezed.

“The first one was it’s brother that had a condition that caused it to act like an animal. He wanted revenge but couldn’t do it. There is no reason to continue.” Goku looked at the creature.

“Is that true?” The creature nodded once.

“Yes. I tried but couldn’t. It won’t change anything that has happened. He killed to protect and with willing to die without a fight if I truly wanted it.” Goku lowed his hand and powered down. If Vegeta did that, then he could at least trust him.

Goten was sitting there, on his knees but Trunks was nowhere to be seen. Vegeta was losing blood along with his color. If Vegeta was going to survive then he needed to get to Dende. Without a word saying everyone held on to each other. Krillen by default got the pressure of grabbing on to the creature. Touching Vegeta’s shoulder he put two fingers to his forehand and transported.


Mr. Popo seemed in greet dismay. Trunks run in like his non-existent tail was on fire. Dende took after Piccolo and seemed to meditate as long as he did at times. Taking as long as ten minutes to awaken from the trip in his mind. Trunks knew of this ahead of time and went to wake him up. Dende seemed to have a short trip as he was waiting for them to arrive.


“So all this was a misunderstanding?” Bulma said holding her tea cup above the coffee table. Koikizo held his delicately in his huge clawed hand.

“Sort of. He was my brother and I went angry when I saw him die and the face who did it. But anger is not the answer. Him . . . all of you don’t destroy meaninglessly. Is he going to be okay?” Bulma looked up at the ceiling like she developed X-ray vision over night.

“Dende healed him in time. Trunks for the most part has good sense. Something for my side and good timing. Something he gets from Vegeta. Always showing up in the nick of time.” She smiled at he foresight Trunks had but it was short lived as she thought of Vegeta’s condition. “It’s hard to see. If Vegeta was in his normal state he wouldn’t have been hurt like that. Then again I not sure how he was hurt in the first place.”

Trunks ran down the stairs running straight into Goku. Trunks was knocked down as Goku barely felt it.

“Hey there. What’s the rush?”

“I think dad is waking up!” Goku didn’t have call for bulma as she was up the stairs because Goku could think of forming words. Trunks and Goku were right behind her. Piccolo shook his head keeping an eye on their new friend. Not because of a trust issue. It was only a because thing. It made him feel better.


Eyes were trying to open but they felt so heavy. Body felt a lot like lead. He was tried but his body had enough sleep. A fight between his mind and his body was going on. His body was winning. He eyes opened seeing a black and orange thing in front of his face.

“Vegeta!” Reaction and gut instinct made Goku fly across the room. “Sheesh. Vegeta you didn’t have to hit me like that!”

“And you don’t have to stick your face in mine!” A bright smile flashed across Bulma face. “Yet that was rather uncalled for.” The smile dimmed. “Forgive me.” The smile completely vanished. He didn’t have his memory back at all. Bulma turned around intent on going down stairs craving a triple chocolate double fudge ice cream to help her mood.


busy busy busy. Fifty more people are showing up for the wedding. I have two-hundred bird seed bags to make and order more food. Plus the doctor said no more typing because of the beginning of corporal tunnel syndrome . . . again in my right wrist. Or repetitive movement if you will. It hurts a little (I’m tough. Heh heh) but I love writing more (I’m young. But you can get it at any age. Go figure.) And I know Kitten’s love won’t rat on me because I still of ‘that’ thing I know that no one else knows! Got that sis! Good. Remember who’s doing your wedding. I’m just a kid. I shouldn’t have to worry about these things. Let’s leave at that. My hand is starting up and I have a five o’clock starting shift.

By the way there will be one or maybe two chapters let. Almost done.

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