Summer Scene: Chapter 1

Published Oct 17, 2006, 4:20:59 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 17, 2006, 4:20:59 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

This is my first poem from my creativ writing class. We just moved out of poetry and I thought it was a good time for me to post these. This is a poem describing a scene we encountered over our summer. It's all about descripition and image usage, so there's no rhyme. Don't worry, I've got more poems coming!

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Leaning Against the Window in the Bedroom Foyer: Wexford, PA

Pale orange light of the afternoon purs down over my head
Hands are cold; my heart is pounding
I'm reading the same line in this book over and over again
The windowsill is pressing into my back.
Just beyond it is the sound of a child riding a bike
Cars are lumbering in and out of the drive.

A violent retch; the shadows are blending with the walls
I straighten against the wall, soliciting more light; I'm reading the fourth line for the third time

Another sound erupts from the bathroom, my eyes stop on the page
The carpet beneath me is hard, bristled; sweat beads over my forehead
The bed in the adjacent room casts its growing shadow toward the bathroom
Looking to the television's grey screen, I can see her reflection
Her wheelchair hums along the carpet, the sheets rustle beneath her

Ink stains my thumbs; I turn to the second page.

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