Villanelle: Chapter 1

Published Oct 17, 2006, 4:29:18 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 17, 2006, 4:29:18 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Poem number 3 from my creative writing class...This is one of those pieces of writing that just kind of, came, to me. Alot of the lines in this are kind of cryptic, but I just loved the language. I also love villanelle's in general; the form fits my natural language (Heidinese as my TA calls it) very well :wacko:

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Dark man haunting, you come in my dreams
Where time has gone and myster surround
Crescents of day bursting red at the seems

Long scrolling thoughts spinning about in rings
My black hearted dove will always astound
Dark man haunting, you come in dreams

Slow draws of breath as adequate means
Silhouette in the night has deep roots in the ground
Crescents of day bursting red at the seems

Your glittering green leaves beg me to ease
My safe haven of truth has run a ground
Dark man haunting, you come in my dreams

Defeated sibling of hope now with despair she sings
Fine mist of mourning floating softly through sound
Crescents of day bursting red at the seems

Your coal-covered eye, only one thing it sees
My red speckled blossom where beauty abounds
Dark man haunting, you come in my dreams
Crescents of day bursting red at the seems

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